The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 136 Thank You For Being Lenient!

Short and sweet.

Instructor Black Kong didn't mince words, and immediately got to the point of what was about to happen in the clearest and simplest words he could come up with.

He then didn't bother taking questions, and immediately started the timer.


All one hundred Class Instructors took a massive bite out of their sandwiches!

"Holy smokes! Our class instructor looks like a damn nerd, but damn it, he sure can eat! Attack!!!" Roland Hu shouted in near panic.

At his words though, the rest of our classmates woke up from their shock and were immediately galvanized into action!

They jumped at the teacher from all directions!

The students were smart. They knew that they were no match for the class instructors in combat, but they also knew that if they could somehow tackle them down to the ground, they would have won.

So many of the students flung themselves bodily towards the class instructors, hoping to catch them by surprise!

But alas, it was not the class instructor's first rodeo. Well, it wasn't for most of them anyway. But even if it was their first time, they had been briefed very carefully on what to do.

None of the students managed to catch any teachers in those first few seconds of chaos.

Wham! Bam! Oof! Owww!

All over the place, students collided into each other and crashed heavily onto the ground.

The class instructors didn't even bother exhibiting any combat skills.

As soon as the green light was given to eat the sandwich, most of them had instantly taken huge bites and started to run away in the opposite direction!

"Catch them!"

"Stop running!!"

"Are you teachers all cowards? Stand and fight!"

"Cowards! Go home to your momma's titties!"

I remember chuckling and thinking that the student who shouted that last taunt would probably not have an enjoyable term.

It was one thing to taunt your fellow classmates on their mother's titties.

It was a completely different thing to do it to a staff of the National Mecha Pilot Academy!

However, the taunts seemed to work for some lucky classes, and their class instructors stopped running away to glare at them with dangerous glints in their eyes.

They may have scored a chance to fight to avoid running fifty laps around the massive field, but that chance may yet prove to be a more costly and painful endeavor than just running.

A few class instructors who were extremely confident of their skills stayed behind from the get go to play with their students.

My class instructor happened to be one of those who stayed behind.

As usual, my instinct was right.

He was extremely dangerous.

The fifty of us started to swarm around him as fast as our short legs could carry us.

However, in a display of extreme skill in movement techniques, he effortlessly kept himself just outside of our range and continued to chomp on his sandwich.

I studied the situation intently as I replayed Instructor Black Kong's words in my mind.

Something doesn't feel quite right with the situation.

The students were very much focused on chasing down their own class instructors, and several times, I saw a few class instructors even rushing into the crowd of a different class to create more chaos.

"Hmm? This is an introduction to combat class, why the hell are we playing tag?" I thought to myself.

But as soon as I reviewed Instructor Black Kong's words in my mind, I immediately discovered the sneakiness of the class.

His instruction was merely to "land three hits on THEM".

There was no specific mention on punching our own class instructors! And for that matter, there was no mention of punching either!

"It was three HITS on THEM! It could be any type of attack on any of the instructors!" I realized with a delicious chill running down my spine.

Out of the five thousand kids in that field, there were only less than five hundred who withheld themselves from joining the chaos.

These were the kids with calm hearts and cool heads.

Potential officer candidates.

"Guys. Do as I do." I called out to my bunkmates and to the two girls who were all holding themselves back from joining the chaos and were similarly checking out the situation.

I immediately moved towards our class instructor, but in a roundabout way that would cause our path to intersect with our neighbouring class instructor.

"We will attack the other class instructor." I said very softly. "When I attack, unleash your three strikes immediately."

Like so many lightbulbs turning on, realizations dawned on their faces and their lips all curled up slightly into cunning grins.

We jogged lightly, and like an inexorable march towards certain explosion, we finally got within a couple of meters from the other class instructor!

She opened her mouth wide to take another bite of her sandwich which was already almost half eaten.

And as her sandwich enters her mouth...

"NOW!" I roared and leapt towards her!

She had no chance.

Completely taken by surprise and caught completely out of position, she had no time to react before my powerful hands grabbed her arms and I stomped my right foot on hers quickly three times!

Next to me, my bunkmates and the two girls quickly gave her three quick taps using their hands and feet.

With our jobs done, I released her and stepped back politely.

"Thank you for being lenient on us." I bowed courteously.

"Thank you for being lenient on us!" The others echoed loudly.

The class instructor had no time to respond to us except for a loud "HMPH!" before she had to whirl away at top speed to avoid being attacked by other students.

She managed to escape the students from her class through a series of very impressive footwork.

The other students who were watching and studying the situation had of course caught sight of my actions, and had come to their own realizations.

A few dumb ones had even shouted it aloud.

"We can attack ANY instructor, not just our own!" A fat boy cried out excitedly.

Instantly, the atmosphere in the entire field changed.

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