The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 141 Golden Mecha

"I respectfully request the Disciplinary Court to give Justin Whitefrost a harsher sentence." Elder Harris said loudly as he stood up from his seat in the Elders Row.

"As the Champion and as one of the strongest students in this batch, he has the responsibility to lead by example. As they say, with great power comes great responsibilities! His transgressions must receive heavier punishments."

Grand Elder Xu turned to look at Elder Harris coldly. She was by no means a frog in the well, and everyone in the Academy knew of my dirty tirade about Elder Harris in the Entrance Examinations.

She completely despised the fact that Elder Harris allowed his personal grievance with me to guide his words and actions.

At the same time, what he said made perfect sense too. So she did the only thing that made sense to her.

"Very well. The Disciplinary Court notes Elder Harris and his constructive feedback.

As leading members of the community, the Whitefrosts, the Wangs and the Longs all have the responsibility to lead by example. They have been severely remiss in their actions.

On that note, I hereby sentence Justin, the Wang Family students and the Long Family students to an additional fifty hours of community service.

That is all. Dismissed." Grand Elder Xu slammed her gavel and immediately stood up to leave.

"Wa-wait! The Longs too? Wh-" Elder Harris sputtered in panic.

"All rise!" The court attendant shouted loudly.

The sound of the crowd standing up drowned out Elder Harris' objections.

"Bow!" The court attended shouted loudly once more.

And with that, a roar sounded as the whole crowd started talking to each other excitedly.

My first, but definitely not my last Disciplinary Court session was over.

The Teachers, Elders and Grand Elders were noticeably pissed off with Elder Harris.

"This is bad news for the nobles. With this precedent, all of their children will be liable for heavier punishments when they make mistakes! That Elder Harris just made himself a whole bunch of enemies!"

"Hmph, what an idiot. His personal issue with the Whitefrost kid has caused us massive losses! With this, our faction had just been slapped with a massive disadvantage! All of our members are children of nobles!"

Even the kids didn't hold back their words too!

"Haha! Elder Harris sure is kind! With this, we have a chance to beat the nobles in the rankings!"

"Damn that idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! He is the biggest, most perverted idiot in the whole academy! No! The whole world!"

"Who is the idiot?"

"Of course it's some idiot who just caused us a lot of trouble! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Big fat perverted idiot!"

Elder Harris' face turned extremely ugly as his own sharp hearing caught almost every single insult being hurled his way under so many breaths.

But what could he do? He could only grit his teeth and joined the crowd to leave the room.

"Clear the court." The court attendant shouted loudly.

The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving Vice Principal Jeanette Wen in the Courtroom.

The court attendant released us from the barred area and gestured for us to step into the central area to face her.

"Well well. You guys had a wild second day of school huh?" Vice Principal Jeanette Wen shook her head lightly at us. "Go on and get to your next class. You will not have lunch, and instead will have afternoon tea as soon as your first segment of your second class today is completed. Justin, stay behind."

"Vice Principal Wen, I will share whatever additional punishment you have for Justin." Olivia Summers spoke up immediately.

"So will I."

"So will I."

"Me too."

"Yes, me too."

Without exception, every single member of the group of sixty students immediately spoke up to share in my punishment.

"Hahahaha! Impressive! I admire your deep friendship, and only on the second day of school too! Reminds me of the good old days when I was still in school." Vice Principal Jeanette Wen sighed ruefully.

"But don't worry. I am not going to punish him. I just have something to say to him. Go on ahead. You are extremely late for class. And if I am not mistaken, your second class has an extremely fierce teacher. Every second counts." Jeanette Wen pointed to the exit and caused all of the kids to burst into action with her words!

Within seconds, I was alone with Jeanette Wen.

"Follow me to my office." She said.

"Well, Justin, you sure are amazing. In two days, you managed to become the Champion, robbed over two hundred kids, caused a teacher to get fired, an Elder to be convicted of attempted murder and another Elder to lose almost all of his influence.

Any single one of those would already be a feat worthy to be remembered and gossiped about for years.

What do you have to say for yourself?" Vice Principal Jeanette Wen chuckled lightly when we were safely seated in her office.

"Uhh… I… probably take after my big bro? Hehehehe." I tried to joke my way out of it.

​ "If I called you here to discuss your recent actions, I would have spanked you for not taking it seriously." She rolled her eyes at me. "But as such, that's not why I called you here, so I will let that one slide. Still… You're definitely right on that. HAHA! Bruce did make a mess as soon as he got here. Not as big as yours, but quite something."

I grinned at her.

"Anyway, I need an update on your condition. How is devour?" She immediately turned serious as soon as she got onto that topic.

"It is doing great. Its strength and capacity has risen quite dramatically recently. In fact, I am ready to devour Deathscythe now." I said seriously to her as well. "Are you here because of that?"

"Good. Very good." She nodded in approval. "And no, I am not here about Deathscythe. It's yours if you want it, of course. But right now I have another more delicious target for you. Tell me Justin, do you know what a Golden Mecha is?"

My jaw dropped.

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