The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 156 Red Mecha Energy

At that point, my Hammer Squad One had effectively tied up the enemy who were approximately fifteen times our number, and in doing so, had thrown a mega wrench in their plans.

With only five thousand of them, a thousand five hundred were thirty percent of their available mechas!

"A hundred of us against one thousand five hundred of them. I guess we really are "dying" in this battle." Tes sighed as she swung her war hammer and knocked down an enemy mecha with a loud WHAM!

"You jinxed us, Justin you bozo." Barrick Rui sighed as well as he dodged a vicious attack by an enemy mecha and then gave a fatal counterpunch that smashed its mecha head to pieces.

Even with an inferior mecha and having almost no training at all, my buddies and I had such ridiculously high RPL that we were able to easily dispatch our enemies.

If it was a hundred versus a hundred, we would win the battle within one short minute.

Even if it was a hundred versus three hundred, we would still be able to win easily.

But we would have absolutely no chance against a thousand of them, much less a thousand four hundred.

"Dying in a critical battle that completely shreds the enemy's plans to pieces against an enemy fifteen times our number? Ha! I couldn't wish for a better death!" I shouted loudly, fully expecting another series of sarcastic quips to rain down on me.

However, to my very pleasant surprise, all I got was a roar of determination and peerless confidence!

"Death to the enemy!"

"Death to the enemy!!"

My group members roared out their defiance against the huge bunch of enemy mechas that were surging ahead to surround us.

I glanced around, and finally spotted their commander.

"Damn it." I swore lightly under my breath.

Zac Long acted like a proper commander, and remained at the rear while giving out clear and concise instructions to his team.

It would be extremely difficult to cut off the head of the snake this time.

"Fight! Fight! Leave none alive!" Roland Hu shouted in a slightly high pitched tone that was slightly girly if I were to be honest, and which contrasted wildly with what he was calling out for.

But in such a heated battle, every single defiant battle cry was another rocket to boost our morale.

We all charged ahead fearlessly and struck with everything we had.

The faster we could take down our enemies, the longer they would take to surround us. And the longer we remained unsurrounded, the longer we could fight, and the longer we fought, the longer they would take to surround us!

We were in a losing battle against time, but for each second that passed, we charged a butcher's bill to our enemies.

Our frankenstein mechas were weaker than our enemies in general, but we did have a solid advantage.

Our limbs and appendages were so weird that many times, our enemies had no idea to block our attacks!

And in those situations, fights between equally skilled pilots which would have become drawn out and long were quickly ended with an unexpected attack from an unexpected appendage.

Within that first few minutes, we were like a bunch of murderous death gods reaping the lives of our victims!


My third arm punched down completely unhindered and smashed my victim's head to smithereens.


I swung it sideways and caught an enemy mecha charging past me towards a companion of mine completely by surprise, and downed him as well!

"Kill that three limbed beast first!" Zac Long shouted from the rear. "Surround him and take him down at all costs! Launch suicide attacks now!"

"What a bastard! He's targeting me!" I shouted in horror. "Save me guys!"

I immediately redoubled my efforts to strike down the enemy mechas around me as quickly and as efficiently as I could.

My above 95 RPL shone like a bright shining star at that moment, and I weaved and dodged an increasing amount of attacks thrown my way with unmatched agility!

But a high RPL could only do so much without skill in movement techniques. Within mere seconds, the number of mechas surrounding me had grown far too many for me to be able to dodge their attacks effectively.

"Guys! If you don't help me, I'll be dead soon!" I cried out to my buddies.

But none of them replied!

I spared a split second to take a quick glance, and my heart sank when I finally realized just how efficient Zac Long and his team were.

Each and every one of my buddies were embroiled in life and death battles of their own!

Even though my team had a glorious first few minutes taking down enemies left and right, it wasn't meant to last. Somehow, even in the heat of battle, Zac had managed to assign a squad to handle each and every one of us, and the results "spoke" for themselves.

We were all completely isolated from each other.

One after the other in extremely quick succession, I could sense my Hammer Squad One members fall.

I finally realized that if I didn't do anything, my participation in that training session was over.

And then an epiphany hit me.

"Wait a minute, if I don't use my red mecha energy and I die right here and now... Wouldn't that mean that I will lose out on participating in the remaining training session? Wouldn't it be better if I used the red mecha energy so that I could remain active in this training session, and hone my skills??" I thought to myself.

I gave myself a mental smack on my own forehead.

"Yes! I will use my red mecha energy just enough to remain alive, and then continue to fight and train myself! What better training ground could there be than a battle with over a thousand enemies?" I thought as I grinned sinisterly at my enemies, and started to unleash a little bit of my red mecha energy.

Instantly, my defense rating started to climb, and my mecha's power source started to emit slightly more power. Not much, just an extra 20% or so.

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