The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 218 Clowns


G-Drake bellowed out a tremendous roar of pain!

Thankfully, I could see that the root branches only managed to pierce G-Drake's body very shallowly.

None of its vital organs were hurt even though more than enough pain to last him a lifetime was caused by them.

However unfortunately for him, the three root branches to pierce him were but the frontrunners of a massive crowd of similar brothers and sisters!


G-Drake unleashed a massive energy beam from its maw and forcefully twisted its body rapidly.

The combination of the energy beam and the increased defensive capability of his armor by way of spinning was surprisingly potent, and G-Drake was able to avoid getting pierced by the rest of the root branches.

"Excellent job, G-Drake!!" I hollered triumphantly and quickly returned my focus to the gruesome task of physically punching the damned root body to death.

With the root receiving my personal tender loving care, it was completely unable to unleash its life force sucking attack, and for the moment, I was safe.

However, I was also unable to find its vital organs, and all of my attacks were frustratingly un-fatal!

"Where the hell is your heart or your lungs, damn it!" I shouted as I plunged my tenth or eleventh punch into its body.

"You will regret this." A deep, rumbly voice sounded from somewhere beneath the root body.

"Below?" I quickly made my way down towards where the voice came from. Although I was able to hold my breath for much longer with my vastly enhanced and strengthened body, the longer I spent without breathing, the weaker I would get.

So I really had to work fast to be able to unleash as much damage as I could.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the root body, I was once again greeted with a nasty surprise.

"What the freaking hell!!!" I shouted and winced painfully as I beheld the ugliest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

There underneath the root body, was actually a freaky face with human-like features complete with eyes, nose, mouth and a pair of saggy cheeks!!

"Die human!" The saggy cheeked face rumbled angrily and sent a hundred root branches hurtling at me.

I sensed the incoming branches and was immediately inspired by them.

"You want to stab me with your damned branches? Here! Have a taste of your own god damned medicine!!" I grabbed the nearest branch and easily snapped it off, even as the rest of the branches slammed onto me.

But what was I?

I was a human being with white mecha armor grade skin!!

Every single branch that tried to stab me either bounced off, or broke cleanly in two!

I kicked against several of the branches and propelled myself towards the ugly saggy cheeked face, and stabbed the branch I had snapped off into its freaky left eye!!

"AAHHHHHHH!!!!" It wailed loudly.

"What did you say? You want more? Okay! You're the one who asked for it!!" I shouted and stabbed the branch into its right eye!!

"AAAHHHHHHH!! YOU DEMON!! YOU DEMON SPAWN!!!!" It shrieked at me.

"What?? More more more? You sadist bastard. Fine! Here take this!!" I grabbed some of the tentacles that had snapped in two from around me, and then proceeded to stab its entire face with tens of sharp branches!

And when I said stab, I meant stab very, very deeply until only small parts of the snapped off branches were visible.

At that moment, the root machine/beast was either dead or fainted, because for the next few minutes until I confirmed that it was well and truly dead by getting G-Drake to shred it apart into well, shreds, it did not utter another word.

Within a few minutes, I was back in the secondary hatch of the pod.

A massive blast of hot air smashed into me and dried me up completely before releasing me into the pod where Bruce Pang was waiting for me with a slightly exasperated look on his face.

"What? Did I not do well? I managed to kill that ugly beast!" I said to him with a slightly boastful tone.

"Yes. Well done for killing a dangerous beast in ten minutes with your bare hands when you could have killed it in one with this sword." Bruce Pang said dryly and tossed the sword which G-Drake had specifically retrieved for me from his dad's piles of treasure.

"Oof." I said and winced at my stupid mistake. "I knew I had forgotten something."

Bruce Pang sighed again and quickly went back to looking anxiously at Princess Augustine.

"She is not awake yet? I wonder what happened. She fainted so suddenly without any indication of being attacked." I said as I made my way towards her.

"She should be waking up soon. As soon as you killed the beast, her eyes started to flutter. But she has yet to open them." Bruce Pang said.

"Really? Is she just pretending to sleep? Hey you sneaky little girl. I know you're awake. Say something!" I said carelessly without much thought.

However, to my surprise, Princess Augustine actually opened her eyes at my words!

"Oh wow. So you WERE pretending to sleep! Haha! You sneaky princess!" I laughed at her. "Lucky I am pretty good at pretending to be asleep as well, so I was able to immediately detect your pretense!"

"It's good that you're awake, Augustine. Don't mind the autistic kid." Bruce Pang said with a relieved voice. "How do you feel? Why did you suddenly faint?"

But alas, alas, fate really seemed to love giving us surprises.

Because yet another one greeted us full force!

"Who the hell are the two of you?" Princess Augustine said in a cold, regal voice that could probably turn summer into winter. "The crime for kidnapping a princess of the Shra-Gaz Kingdom is punishable by death. You better give me a satisfactory answer before I kill you two clowns."


That was the sound of our jaws dropping to the ground.

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