The Villain has Perished

Chapter 60 A Shocking Truth

Almost all personnel of the convoy were busy tending to Klein, Jae-sung and Baratos, or fending against the monsters coming out of the forest, so no one was in the vicinity. It was the only reason the baby griffin hadn't been discovered yet.

"I'll call the elf. Then you can leave Sir Sol and spend time with me."

Charlotte suddenly jumped to her feet and ran to open the gate of Sol's carriage. Her actions made Setsuna fumble, but before she could do anything, Charlotte was already opening the door.

However, a male voice interrupted Charlotte and stopped her in her tracks.

"Charlotte, the soldiers are being overwhelmed by the monsters coming out of the forest. I would've helped them, but I'm too weak right now. Can you help them in my stead?"

At the request, Charlotte's face fell, but she nodded and went to help the soldiers. Jae-sung also left with Charlotte.

Setsuna sighed as the danger was dodged but she then saw Jae-sung mouthing to her, behind Charlotte's back.


Immediately, as if his previous cold face was a mirage, Jae-sung smiled silly and bowed. "Thank you, Lady Setsuna, for all the help you provided us with in the forest. Although I can't do it now, I'll repay the favor in the future."

Setsuna was frozen stiff. 

'He knows.'

She unconsciously balled her hands into fists. 'Sol was wearing the robe to hide his identity, and Jae-sung never met Lumine in the forest. So, why does he recognize him? '

The atmosphere around Setsuna turned grim.

'Jae-sung is trying to show that he knows about Sol and I teaming up. Is this his way of talking with us to avoid jumping into a misunderstanding? Maybe he thinks Sol had his reasons behind his actions, and he wants to know that. But…' speculated Setsuna.

Jae-sung was a kind and curious person — in the 1st timeline.

In the 2nd timeline – the timeline in which the novel was set in – Jae-sung was a cold and heartless person who killed people on the slightest hint of suspicion.

And the time until Jae-sung regresses and becomes like he was in the novel was….

'2 days. After that Jae-sung will attack Sol, no question asked.'

The personal revenge of Jae-sung and his grudges against the Lionel Family were going to become a catalyst that would fan the flames that Sol's actions lit today.

'Things just took a turn for the worse.'





"That was a good show!"

Jared, the Daemon possessing Sol's elder brother and one of two direct subordinates of Solomon, stretched and stood on top of the branch.

He had seen everything that had happened in the forest. 

Next to Jared was a coffin resting on the tree branch. The coffin had two small insignias on its side that were barely visible until one looked closely.

The first insignia was of a knight holding an upright sword. It was a simple symbol, but the second insignia was a bit peculiar. In it, the knight from the first insignia was standing against a hooded mage holding a black book. 

If Sol was here, he would've received a shock after seeing the coffin. The coffin was the same one inside which he found the Crown of Massacre.

But even more shocking were the two insignias. The first one was the symbol of 'Lionel House'. It was the symbol of Sol's family.

And the second insignia was the emblem of 'Magic God: Solomon'.

Jared jumped off and landed on the ground with a light tap. The coffin was floating behind him and he was using his magic to carry it.

"So, how should I destroy the continent?" said Jared casually. "But before that, I need to deal with other Daemons. Should I just kill them to avoid future complications?"

He seemed lost in his own thoughts.

"When His Majesty was still alive he told me of 4 paths I should choose from."

In the rain, the surrounding area of Jared was completely clean. The droplets of water avoided him like a plague, as if the water itself was afraid to taint his appearance.

"First, the blue colored hair of the last Blessed doesn't change. In that case, I was to help him until the end of his path, then betray him at the end."

"Secondly, the blue hair of the Blessed changes to white. If that was to happen, I was told to avoid meeting him for as long as possible."

"And third, if His Majesty failed to revive inside the body of the descendent of 'that family'. When the original owner of the body gains complete control, my orders were to destroy Kamera Continent before the worlds merge."

He continued walking through the forest, looking at the injured monsters and wreckage. The monsters, however, couldn't see or sense him, even when Jared stood right next to them.

"There are 6 months left before the worlds merge. So how should I go about my job? His majesty left the method to me, but I don't know how to do it."

Jared raised his sword. The space around his sword twisted, and he said. "Should I destroy the continent now? After seeing my 'younger brother' killing the last Blessed with a single fist, I also want to try the same."

The mana in the sky far above the Kamera continent went berserk. Thunderstorms appeared all over the continent, monsters shuddered and hid, dark clouds covered the sky and the ambient mana of one-third of the world was waiting for Jared's command to move.

"I want to see if I can destroy the continent with one attack."


eαglesnᴏνel Jared slashed downward. Cracks appeared in the sky and the world began shattering.

Suddenly, Jared created a massive circle on the ground. Then, as if his actions were a hallucination, they disappeared. 

The mana returned to its previous tranquil state, the cloud parted and let the moon show its beauty to the world, the cracks in the space disappeared and the shattered world restored itself.

"It would be boring to end matters like this. Since I have time left until the deadline, I should try something else, something that will fulfill his majesty's wishes, but is also fun."

He scratched his chin and sat down on a rock, contemplating.

"I got it! I'll unseal the Dragon Kings!"


End of Vol 1

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