When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 186: 187: Mastering Long Bear Art, Selling to the Wealthy Lady! (Vote for Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 186: Chapter 187: Mastering Long Bear Art, Selling to the Wealthy Lady! (Vote for Monthly Tickets)

Chen Cang came back and waited for the evening feast. There was a department gathering tonight, but it wasn’t time yet, so Chen Cang simply lay on the bed and took out his reward, the lucky bag!

The bag had a character for “luck” on it and a red band, just like those used for candy in wedding celebrations.

[Lucky Bag, a small bag filled with infinite possibilities. Once opened, you can randomly obtain an item, whether it’s precious or worthless, big or small.] Chen Cang suddenly wondered if this lucky bag could be used as a storage bag? Imagine during surgery, with a flick of his hand, a scalpel, separating forceps, gauze… all springing out one by one. How cool would that be, with his own BGM.

So cool!

[Ding! Congratulations on opening the Lucky Bag, you’ve obtained a Skill Book!]

A burst of purple light flashed before Chen Cang’s eyes, and suddenly, a Skill Book appeared!

But… after the purple light faded, the lucky bag disappeared, shattering Chen Cang’s beautiful dream!

However, another purple Skill Book was now in his hands!

He had already gained a purple Skill Book from slaying a king-level gallbladder before and hadn’t had the chance to check it. Now here was another one.

If only the two Skill Books were not inanimate, maybe they could have bred a little Skill Book if left alone.

Chen Cang decisively chose to open it!

[Ding! Congratulations, you’ve learned: Flap Transplantation Surgery, Master Level.]

When he saw “Flap Transplantation Surgery,” Chen Cang almost laughed out loud like a pig, he couldn’t believe his luck in getting this skill, incredible!

[Flap Transplantation Surgery: Master Level, Special effects: 1. Normal blood flow; 2. Sensitive touch! ]

As a major showpiece of microsurgery and cosmetic surgery, Chen Cang had long coveted flap transplantation surgery.

Flap transplantation is not generally performed in small hospitals; it is typically done in large hospitals in big cities. Zheng Guotan’s wife, Zhang Aixiang, will undergo such a surgery in two months.

The scar on Zhang Aixiang’s forehead is quite large, beyond the capability of regular cosmetic clinics. The repair required would indeed call for flap transplantation, using distant flaps for plastic reconstruction, common choices being the pectoralis major flap and cervical flaps.

Using such flaps for facial cosmetic surgery has several advantages: first, they can repair a large area; second, the donor site is hidden, making future scars less noticeable; third, the donor skin matches the facial skin color closely, creating a more seamless look after facial surgery.

This kind offlap transplantation surgery requires a highly skilled team and technology. In Dongyang Province, Dongda Second Hospital is the only one capable of performing it.

A great opening performance!

Chen Cang, thrilled, energetically rubbed his hands together and promptly opened the second Skill Book.

[Ding! Congratulations, you’ve learned: Breast Augmentation Surgery, Master Level!]

Chen Cang was silent.

He stared at the virtual screen with its faint purple glow, which seemed to mock him.

Chen Cang took a deep breath, thought a lot, and thought far ahead…

It seems some things are just fate, and you can’t run from them.

He clicked to receive the reward silently.

[Ding! Breast Augmentation Surgery, Master Level, Special effects: 1. Natural harmony; 2. Stable and long-lasting.]

Breast augmentation is a second-tier surgery, while flap transplantation is a third or fourth-tier surgery, depending on how the hospital categorizes it.

Chen Cang would have to commit to studying both surgeries.

After much thought, Chen Cang still decided to learn breast augmentation surgery, as it had a slightly greater appeal to him.

After all, flap transplantation… emmmmmm.

He decisively clicked on Breast Augmentation Surgery, and suddenly, the scene before him changed, and a woman appeared in front of Chen Cang.

[Ding! Tutorial begins…]

Chen Cang, to be honest, really, was initially very tempted.

His heart pounded as if it were a pile driver.

Because breast augmentation surgery first requires a thorough understanding of the breast structure.

Before the surgical teaching even started, Chen Cang had been taught a harsh lesson!

It was through the observation and appreciation of different models that Chen Cang realized he seemed to have a big misunderstanding about breast augmentation.

Actually, there are many standards for judging the beauty of breasts, and it’s not just about shallow, superficial beauty—there are various criteria involved.

And there are many standards of beauty for breasts, but overall, they can be divided into two categories, the first is whether the shape of the breasts themselves is normal, and the second is whether the shape of the breasts is harmonious with the overall body shape, both of which are very important…

I he second point is about the matching and harmony between the shape of the breasts and the body.

I his includes not only size but also position, symmetry, height, angle, and whether it conforms to the aesthetic rules of biomechanics.

Actually, this is what we often see, that sometimes larger is not necessarily better.

Sometimes, smaller ones actually seem more exquisite.

(I believe that no matter the gender, one should have a broad breadth of experience; reflect on what you haven’t seen…)

So, in fact, breast augmentation surgery itself is not a correct name; it should be called breast plastic surgery.

The purpose of plastic surgery is to resolve those defects that are as if in rooms.

After the teaching was over, Chen Cang started to practice and evaluate constantly.

Chen Cang finally found that breast augmentation surgery is actually much more difficult than facial plastic surgery.

Because in most surgeries, you can’t anticipate what will happen during the procedure, and you literally don’t know what the consequences will be after the surgery.

Breast augmentation itself has a lot of sequelae, the most obvious being infections, resulting in various reactions like redness, swelling, heat, and pain after the surgery-these are the main factors of failure, and there is a high incidence of these sequelae.

The next issues are those of aesthetics and stability, where many surgeries result in asymmetry or sagging problems, which are impossible to anticipate during the surgery.

Chen Cang practiced incessantly, and the issues he encountered just kept increasing.

To facilitate Chen Cang’s memory, the system was very user-friendly.

But… for Chen Cang, this became a surgical challenge, somewhat distracting.

However, gradually, Chen Cang found that after seeing a lot, he started to get used to it…

This scared Chen Cang.

He wasn’t becoming asexual, was he?

After all…

Such things had occurred before.

Every time Chen Cang saw Director Yue from the Breast Surgery Department of the Second Provincial Hospital, he always felt that he had an aura of being desireless, which was unusual in surgery.

This made Chen Cang wonder for a time whether Director Yue had actually returned to simplicity after being exposed to a broad spectrum of experiences!

At this thought, Chen Cang shuddered!

After the learning session ended, just as he exited the virtual space, Chen Cang’s face was flushed with panic, and he quickly opened the study folder on his computer.

Listening to the familiar music, a huge weight finally lifted from Chen Cang’s heart.

PS: To answer the question from the previous chapter, someone asked whether cancer patients could donate organs. Corneas can be donated, for example, after singer Yao Mou Na died from breast cancer, her corneas were donated.

Benign tumors can be donated, but other cases require specific analysis..

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