Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 233 Into A Trap

"This talisman can ward off a malevolent spirit and it can be used against evil spirits at least five times. You can also set up this talisman in each house that borders your town to create a barrier that can deter evil spirits from entering. In your case, I advise that you do the third option." Isaiah slowly explained what the talismans can do.

The man was happy to receive such valuable items and to think that they even improved the talismans was great news for them. They gave the town's leader a total of thirty talismans and even helped them to set it up. Once the talismans were placed in order, Isaiah took the liberty to activate it and reinforce it with his own magic.

After that, they went ahead to the last town they would visit for the day since it was getting dark and it looked like its going to rain. Ezio was looking outside from the carriage and frowned as the first drop of rain fell down. He thought that the good weather would continue until they returned to the manor but he was gravely wrong.

The rain started to pour harder and it made it more difficult for them to reach the next town. If the weather was fine, it would only take them thirty minutes to reach their destination. After a grueling and wet trip, they finally reached the town and were met by the town's leader who ushered them to the inn he prepared for them.

"We prepared a warm soup downstairs so you can come down and warm yourselves after you dry yourselves," the leader told them with a smile.

"Thank you so much," Ezio answered. He really wanted to change into dry clothes because he felt uncomfortable with the rain that was pouring outside.

The sentinels were already at the dining table and eating so Ezio and Isaiah also took a seat as they were immediately assaulted with the fragrant soup in front of them. It was delicious and perfect for the rainy weather they were experiencing. They all enjoyed the simple meal then they were ushered to the living room where the fireplace was blazing with fire that made the room warm.

"We appreciate you for coming this far despite the weather. We thought that you won't be able to come," the leader spoke while serving them a cup of warm tea.

"We were already on our way when the rain started pouring but we still pushed through since the talismans needed to be distributed." Isaiah cheerfully answered which caught Ezio's attention.

His companion was not much of a talker and his expression was just like that of a stone so he was not used to seeing this side of him. The leader and Isaiah continued with the small conversations as he focused on warming himself. Isaiah then proceeded to tell him how the talismans work.

The leader gladly accepted the items and carefully placed them inside the box. Since they couldn't set them up that day, they decided to do it tomorrow. The both of them also decided to stay for the night since the rain didn't show any signs of stopping anytime soon.

Once they were up in their room, Isaiah intended to meditate for a while but he was suddenly distracted by what Ezio was doing. Since he promised to the master that he would improve, Ezio had been practicing daily to create a gate. This time, he managed to actually made a gate that connects directly to the manor. That's when Isaiah realized that the person was not someone who uses regular magic.

"Is that space magic?" He stood up and walked towards the gate to take a look at it. He had read some books talking about space magic but he had never seen one. "Have you been using space magic for a while now?"

"Yes and yes because space magic is my magic although I am not yet proficient with it. So, I am practicing every moment that I am free," he answered with a nod. "Do you want to try it? It's a gate that will lead you directly to the manor's living room."

Isaiah looked at him a couple of times before he was convinced to take a step in. He became a bit nervous but still tried it. After he stepped in, he pushed another door and saw that he was really inside the manor's living room.

"I never thought that you are a space magic user. In this whole world, you must be the only one who can use that magic." Isaiah exclaimed after he returned to their room. The gate also disappeared like it did not appear.

"You are wrong my master, Rigel, can create gates and he can even sustain them longer than I could." Ezio shook his head and immediately refuted the other's statement.

Isaiah became silent which made Ezio frown. He didn't expect Ezio to be a space magic user and it even surprised him that Rigel could use it. How much more was the person hiding from them? Isaiah shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

Everything around him had gotten more complicated than when he was still in the magic tower. Surprise after surprise couldn't surprise him anymore so right at that moment, he decided to accept everything just the way it is. He returned to his bed and lied down instead to sleep.

Isaiah couldn't breathe a few minutes after he fell asleep. He tried opening his eyes but he had a difficult time doing so. He tried to move his hands and his feet but they felt like they were glued on the floor. He couldn't move his boy at all. Even his voice couldn't come out from his mouth.

He then felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe but he did not know the reason why. He tried his best to move and shout but it was no use. His heart started to race because he had no idea what was going on. He tried to use his senses if he could sense Ezio but even that failed.

Isaiah didn't know how long he was in that situation. When he heard Ezio's voice calling for him he slowly regained movement from his limbs. It took him a couple of minutes before he could open his eyes and look at his surroundings. He thought that he was still dreaming because he did not remember the room where they slept being too dark.

He looked to his side and saw that Ezio was kneeling beside him. "What's happening?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"We've been trapped, I don't know where or how but this place is pretty enclosed and I have not felt any walls anywhere." He raised the glowing ball of mana on his hand to look around but he still couldn't guess where they were.

"It must be the work of an enemy but if that's the case we should have felt it somehow," Isaiah stood up as he too created a ball of mana that illuminated the room.

While they were looking around, a wind suddenly blew inside which gave them shivers. They've walked quite the distance now and yet they haven't reached any walls in the weird room. They could also feel that there was something lurking in the dark.

"This must be an illusion and now we are trapped in here. If we can't get out, we might be asleep for all eternity." Ezio spoke through the darkness.

Click. The sound of it was very prominent inside that silent area and it made the two young mages stop on their tracks. They looked at all the directions but they found none. When they thought that everything was now finished, the place was suddenly covered in a very bright light that overpowered them.

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