Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 253 He's In-Charge

After his job was done, he was adamant in returning back to the manor as fast as he could but it would take him at least a day to reach central. As for the reason, he did not know why. He was already half way through his journey when they were suddenly disrupted and the carriage was forced to stop.

He alighted from the carriage and saw that there was a gate that was slowly forming in front of them. He squinted his eyes and saw that it was actually Rigel who came out from it. The man looked around for a moment before his gaze settled on the archmage.

"I did not expect to see you here," Sigma spoke first after the man approached them. "What made you come here?"

"I've finished my job and took another job but then the news reached me," he paused for a moment before he continued, "the manor is under attack."

Sigma was surprised at the news, "What are you talking about? How can that be?"

"It's the truth. I've already sent Ezio and Isaiah there in advance and I came to get you." Cygnus calmly answered and he was not even in a hurry.

"Then let's go," Sigma stepped forward but before they could enter the gate, a large body appeared and blocked their path.

"It seems that we need to deal with those before we can leave this place," Cygnus looked at the big bellied man in front of them and at the several tigers growling their way.

The archmage did not hesitate to destroy them in one move while Cygnus showed a bit of his holy magic and successfully destroyed several of them too. With their pace and their smooth movements, they dealt with all these spirits that were coming after them.

It took them only fifteen minutes to get rid of them all but this was also enough time for the enemy to create more chaos at the manor. After that, they entered the gate and true enough the situation turned for the worst. Malevolent spirits littered the manor's front yard and even the back yard was not spared.

He came exactly when Isaiah released his last attack. The young man did his best and the archmage could see it, he then defeated the enemies with one move since they were already weakened by Isaiah. There were still some that were left but it was taken care of by Cygnus.

The council members who were there couldn't believe that all of those evil spirits they nurtured were destroyed. They trembled in fear because their plan did not succeed. Some of them were already running away back to their houses to avoid any suspicions. Enrick on the other hand remained as he watched the conclusion of their efforts.

"You've failed," was the woman's voice. "I told you that we are not ready and yet you insisted on coming. I even helped you but you still failed. This was a waste of resources."

Enrick gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He thought that he could do it now but he still failed and now they do not have enough force to take down the duke. He regretted that he had not done this from the beginning before Duke Ginehart came into the picture.

He gave the manor one last look before he decided to turn around and leave. There was no point in him staying in that place any longer. He would need to recover and plan once again because he was not about to give up on the chance to take over the territory of Blackwell.

After all the spirits were gone, the place was now left with nothing but destruction. The pillars surrounding the manor were destroyed and only a few of them remained. The gardens and the land were ravaged and were now full of craters that needed to be filled with soil again.

The majestic manor was also filled with holes and it turned into black because of the fire and the explosions that happened. The inside of it was more in a sorry state. Almost all rooms were burnt and no furniture or decoration was spared. Everything was broken or destroyed.

"What would you do now?" Ulysses asked Galahad after they met with the archmage and Cygnus.

Sigma carried Isaiah back inside the manor where the doctors were ready to look at them. They fixed two rooms and let the two young masters rest for a while the adults dealt with the aftermath of the attack. The spies they caught were placed in one room where they were being guarded while the duke was busy with other things.

"Since the spies already confessed, I will remove them from their service and let them leave. None of their family members would not be given the chance to work for me nor to the Blackwell family ever again." Galahad sat down and took the glass of water that was on the table.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "How about your council members, what will you do with them?" Ulysses leaned on his seat and rested his head on the chair. "They were really savage and timed it so well. We were almost killed and if that happened, then even Ginehart would lose its leader."

"If that happened, then they will face the wrath of Ginehart and they would surely not survive and maybe even Blackwell would have fallen down already." Galahad said with a frown on his face.

"That would be true. I can already imagine my wife's face if I really died," Ulysses couldn't help but laugh even after what they have been through.

"Yes, she's a bit vicious." Galahad shook his head and took another sip of water. "I would let your son handle those council members."

Cygnus who just entered the room grinned when he heard it. "Are you sure about that?" He asked as he took a seat to face them.

Galahad looked at the man and sighed. He was not entirely sure if it was the right decision but it was better to let someone else handle it. His emotions might get the better of him if he would personally deal with them. He would rather focus on restoring the manor and making sure that his people were alright than to face those snakes that betrayed him.

"Can I do anything to them then? How about their family members?" Cygnus asked just to make sure.

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