Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 359 In The Past

Lunaira was a vast land of fertile soil from a thousand years ago. People at that time were still living a simple life. Kingdoms had yet to flourish and what they had were small villages. It was a peaceful time where one could walk the night without fear.

People would hunt in the bountiful forests without any problems. Disputes would be easily solved without causing bloodshed. People were content with what they have and what was there for them. But as always, peace didn't last long as magic started to manifest amongst the people.

Certain groups of people started to covet people who could use magic. They were raiding villages and capturing magic users for their own gain. To avoid the killings, people started to band together and soon Kingdoms started to form. The land of Lunaira was no different.

With someone who stood as a leader, the different villages in the land became united. They protected each other from the raiders and defended their land with their lives. Among the heroes they treat was Xandros Syentia, the only son of the leader of the united villagers.

He was a warrior and was supported by his dear friend Maius Altair, who was but a hunter, before he awakened his power. Both of them led the people of Lunaira into battle after battle and led their warriors into victory. They were an unstoppable duo.

As they fought, the people decided to name Xandros the high leader as he took command of Lunaira and its people. On the other hand, Maius Altair was established as one of the Four Pillars of Light as they were called. The group was composed of the three other mages that rendered great service for the land.

Slowly the Kingdom of Lunaira came to be. The king and the Four Pillars of Light were revered as heroes and respected. Each mage was given a land and the House of Altair was the most famous family of mages that Lunaira ever had.

"My dear friend you finally came!" Xenos exclaimed when he saw who his visitor was. He had been so busy with so many documents that he barely had time for himself.

"Well, I figured that you'll need some distraction from all of those documents." Maius peeked at the desk that was full of papers. He couldn't help but pity the man who accepted the responsibility of ruling a kingdom.

"Please don't give me that kind of look," he exhaled. He instead walked towards the man and placed both of his hands on the man's shoulder with a determined look on his face. "Let's go."

Maius had his shoulders shaking after he saw his friend's expression. He was determined and yet he could only see him begging. Xenos frowned at the amused look that his friend had. Maius held back his laughter as he even coughed.

"Alright, why don't we go hunting for a while then?" He suggested, in order to make-up for the man. He raised his hand and did a circular motion with his wrist.

They were then covered in a red mana and disappeared from the room. Xenos and Maius appeared in the middle of a forest. Xenos couldn't help but grin because of what his friend had done. Although he had more things to do, this was a welcome distraction even for just a while.

"Your magic is really convenient!" Xenos patted the man's shoulder before he looked around the area. "And we are in a good place to hunt but I don't have my weapons with me or even a bow arrow."

"You don't need to worry about that," Maius spoke from the side. He raised his hand and a red mist swirled around his opened palm.

From the mist, a bow and several arrows appeared. Maius then held the weapon and waved it towards Xenos. The leader of Lunaira gladly accepted the weapon with a grin and tested pulling it a couple of times.

"Really convenient," he muttered once again. "Alright let's go!" He turned around and walked forward to the direction where he was facing.

Maius was glad to see that his friend was still enthusiastic as ever. He also hoped that these kinds of days would continue. Although the threats from the other kingdoms were not yet resolved, he still wished that their days of peace would continue for long.

He looked up at the sky that was beyond the leafy boughs of the trees and closed his eyes. He could feel the colorful life in that place. The vigor in each grass, plant and trees were filling the air and making the atmosphere alive. Ever since he awakened his magic, he became sensitive to things like this.

"Aren't you coming?" Xenos turned around when he saw that his friend wasn't following. He just stood there with his head tilted up.

Maius sighed before he opened his eyes and brought down his head. He looked at his excited friend with a small smile on his face. "Yes, yes, of course I am coming."

He walked towards his friend and they walked together. The forest ground was a bit damp because of the rain last night. Although everything looks wet, the leaves were sparkling because of the water droplets that remained on the surface that was getting struck by the rays of sun.

The earthy smell assaulted their nose and yet it did not make them uncomfortable. It has been long since they last went hunting. All their days were spent fighting and defending their land. They were also so busy ruling the kingdom that they didn't have the time to relax, especially Xenos.

If those outsiders hadn't set their eyes to Lunaira, then he would be stuck as a mere hunter with nothing going on for him. Although he preferred that life, it was still not bad to be able to protect his family and the people with his power. Maius couldn't help but look at his hands for a moment before he shook his head and ran after his friend.

After walking for a while, they finally saw a deer that was drinking by the river. Xenos stopped a few meters away and narrowed his eyes towards the deer. He kneeled on one knee on the ground and loaded his bow with an arrow. Mauis on the other hand watched his friend's every action before shifting his gaze to the deer.

They both remained silent as Xenos positioned the bow and arrow. He had his other eye closed as he focused his vision and attention on the deer. Xenos steadily aimed for a few seconds, lowering and moving the bow from side to side, before he finally let it fly.

The arrow successfully hit the target and killed the deer with one shot. A loud applause echoed in the forest with Maius grinning behind the leader. "You are still as sharp as ever even though you haven't used a bow in a long time."

"Lucky me!" Xenos exclaimed. He turned around and flexed his bow before he ran towards the deer he managed to kill.

He crouched down and pulled out the arrow. His gaze then lingered towards the river that remained as it was before. He went ahead and removed his sandals to dip his feet in the water. Xenos shivered but after a moment he laughed out of nowhere.

The river water was cold but at the same time it was refreshing. This was a proof that he had been stuck in that palace as they call it for a long time now that he almost forgot how it felt to be outside. His laughter filled the whole place as he enjoyed being in the water.

"Ah, this is really great!" He cried out in pure joy. "I can't believe that just dipping my feet in this cold water would give me so much joy."

"We have been busy for so long that we aren't the same as when we were just teens. Before you became the ruler of this land and before I became a mage, we were both ordinary people living our days in contentment." Maius sat down at the edge of the river dipping his feet as well.

"That's true." Xenos followed suit and sat down beside his friend. "I would have become the next village chief and you would still be hunting for a living. But now, we are no longer ordinary humans."

"I'm sure that the people are already contemplating on how they would declare you the king. Lunaira will then be yours to rule." Maius couldn't help but be sentimental for a moment because of their past memories.

"And I hope that you will continue to support me, Maius." Xenos looked at his friend with a wide grin. "I need someone who can teleport me to anywhere I want whenever things get hectic like today."

Maius was silent for a couple of moments as he stared at the clear water and how it flowed downstream. He could also see the fishes that were swimming calmly, undisturbed by the chaos of the outside world. The wind also slowly picked up and blew around them together with the fallen leaves that came with it.

"I will do my best to support you, your majesty." Maius raised his hand and looked at his friend with a teasing grin on his face.

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