A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 130: 101: The Cook and the Maid (Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 130: Chapter 101: The Cook and the Maid (Vote for Recommendation)

“Is this, a ring?”

“And a bracelet?”

“Oh, a pendant.”

People of Yatun arrived one after another at the castle’s assembly square the next day, among them were members of the Yatun Clan, as well as the Fairy and Tree Elf races.

“It’s imbued with Teacher Lilith’s power.”

As a witch, Miya immediately sensed the familiar presence, she pondered carefully and then her eyes widened in astonishment, “This?! Such strong Fairy Power! It’s Life Guardian!”

Life Guardian was a high-level Fairy Magic, not something that regular witches and titled witches could touch.

They had to progress further and become Sorcerers before they could master such profound Fairy Magic.

“What immense Mana.”

Lvli was a witch of the Treant Race and one of the Tree Elf Priests.

Her Fairy Magic was powerful, second only to Fulara among the Tree Elf girls, “Even if we became Sorcerers, how many times could we cast such magic?”

Yet looking at the small boxes in front of them, once opened, they turned out to be all amulets.

“This is also, too amazing…”

Although they knew of Lilith’s cheat-like strength and the dimensional gap between them,

actually seeing it still shocked the girls immensely.

It couldn’t be helped, a Miracle Creature with infinite Mana and undiminished energy could do as it pleased.


Bailuo stepped forward and said, “These are amulets, please take one each, and make sure to carry it with you at all times, even when bathing, it’s best not to be away from it.”

Lifesaving items, they didn’t need Bailuo to tell them how to treat it.

On Yatun Island it didn’t matter much, but if they were to go on a campaign or a long voyage, these amulets, which were treasures connected with their lives, how could they possibly be out of reach.

Of course, to make it more comfortable to wear, Bailuo also had Lilith apply magic for that purpose.

“Tree Elf children, since you all stay within the Tree of Life and are protected by the Miracle Power of the Tree of Life, you can receive it later.”

This wasn’t preference but a matter of prioritizing important matters.

The People of Yatun also thought Bailuo was right in doing so, so in the following two days, after everyone else had received their amulets, Lilith began to create protective artifacts for the Tree Elf children.


At sea, the ship had been sailing for three days.

In these three days, the slave children were well cared for by Elsa and Gonnia.

Their health began to recover, and coupled with daily exercises and working on the ship, their restless hearts gradually calmed down.

“Swish swish swish.”

On the deck, Hailbo and Yilona vigorously wiped the floor, a task Elsa and Fiona could have resolved with a flick of their Magic Wands.

But Gonnia expressed that the children should do the work.

He who does not work, neither shall he eat.

Even doing something seemingly meaningless was a form of training and education for them.

“What are you thinking, Yilona?”

Hailbo and Yilona were good friends, but Hailbo genuinely thought the other was too naïve, “Why did you try to stop her from choosing handmaidens, it’s an opportunity.”


“You’re being too protective of her,” said Hailbo, “You have the ability, you should think more for yourself. I’m not saying be selfish, but if you could have a status, show your worth, Nono’s life would be better, too.”

Hailbo had seen the needs of the Yatun Duchy; it wasn’t after slaves but wished to cultivate talent.

Such an opportunity was a grace of fate, truly once in a lifetime!

“Overprotection isn’t real protection.”


In these three days, perhaps because their days had improved, or perhaps it was destiny, Yilona and Hailbo were always assigned to work together.

Both from the Kingdom of Mountains and orphaned at a young age, they had started working to earn their living early on.

This pair of troubled brothers quickly found common ground.

Hailbo knew how much Yilona cared about Ju Nono and hence offered him advice.

But as Hailbo had thought, Yilona was too naïve.

He actually intended to protect the girl all by himself.

How could this be possible!

“Besides,” Hailbo said, “You think too much, Yatun has provided us with food and clothing, which is a hundred, no, a thousand times better than the slave life we originally expected.”

Hailbo had been taught since childhood that one should repay even the smallest favor with a fountain of gratitude.

In addition, it was about finding a wise ruler to whom one could dedicate their life, and even their soul.

Although it had only been a few short days, Hailbo felt he had found it: “Yatun is a place worthy of our loyalty, perhaps there will come a day when both of us can make our mark and establish careers.”

“You know that’s not what I’m thinking, I just want to protect Ju Nono.”


Hailbo let out a sigh, feeling that Yilona was truly foolish to the core.


Just then, Big Chunk suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Hailbo and Yilona, saying, “They haven’t been working properly.”

Hailbo: “…….”

Yilona: “…….”

Both exclaimed, “Damn it!”

Big Chunk was not targeting them on purpose; he simply had no brains and was merely following Gonnia’s orders to supervise the work of the youths.

“Hailbo, Yilona.”


“No dinner for you.”


After three days, their bodies had recuperated, and not eating for one evening would definitely make them hungry, but it wasn’t a big deal.

On the contrary, being hungry together only deepened their friendship.


Sharing hardships, they were able to laugh heartily despite their hunger.

‘Damn it…’

In the shadows, Hakesa glared at them fiercely, even though he was the strongest among them.

Why were they the ones receiving preferential treatment?

Yes, preferential treatment.

Being on watch in the lookout tower late at night seemed like punishment, but it was actually training in disguise.

Gonnia was clearly grooming the two of them, focusing on their development!

This made Hakesa so jealous he felt like he would split open.

Unfortunately, even if you exploded, it would be useless here; this is Yatun, not the outside world.

To show insolence in front of the People of Yatun was simply courting death.

In three days, Hakesa had been punished many times, being a small-time scoundrel, he knew better than to suffer a disadvantage before his betters.

However, Fiona was proficient in Fairy Magic of the mind, so whatever Hakesa was thinking, the People of Yatun knew all too well.

“We should probably reach Yatun Duchy by tomorrow morning.”

Gonnia had selected three girls, whom Elsa and Fiona had identified as potential candidates with the qualifications to be Little Witches.

But Gonnia didn’t tell them this, instead, she trained them under the guise of being ‘handmaidens.’

But handmaidens…

Could it really be possible?

Who among the People of Yatun wouldn’t want to be Bailuo’s personal handmaiden; how could it be their turn?

It was just a pretext.

“It’s too salty.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

Ina apologized repeatedly, wearing a mask that covered her ugly face, and gloves so she didn’t need to reveal her scars.

These were all gifts from Gonnia.

Ina was very grateful to Gonnia, and being chosen to receive one of only three handmaiden training positions was something that filled Ina with hope.

Of course, Ina herself didn’t think she could become the master’s handmaiden, so she asked Gonnia to send her to the kitchens to train as a cook.

Gonnia agreed, giving Ina hope once again.

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