A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 131: 102: Arrival at Yatun Island (Request for Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 131: Chapter 102: Arrival at Yatun Island (Request for Recommendation Tickets)


On deck, the sharp-eyed children saw Yatun Island appearing in the distance.

If it were just an ordinary island, they had encountered many along the way, but Yatun Island was much larger than the ones they had stopped at for fresh water supplies.

“Ga, Ga~~”

Countless seagull-like white seabirds circled overhead, and Anderson, accompanied by the Tree Elves, came before them, “Ahead is where you will live from now on, the Yatun Duchy!”


These children didn’t know what a principality meant, nor did they know that on Miracle Mainland, only the Master of Miracles could be a sovereign.

But the smarter ones, like Yilona, Hailbo, and others, realized the significance of this term at once.

“All line up, stand straight!”

After several days of training, Anderson had taught them the most basic military postures and how to line up.

Andrew was grooming these children to become sailors and Sea Soldiers.

“Begin the roll call!!”

At the command, everyone, including the girls receiving maid training, immediately began to count off.

On the vast sea, three large ships sailed side by side, and on the deck of each, 40 children stood in neat rows.

They stood in formation, some expectant, some anxious, as they gazed at Yatun Island in the distance.

That was where they would live from now on.

What their future would be like, they would soon find out.


“This is Yatun?”

Gazing at the port town bathed in sunlight in front of them, and as the ships slowly docked, the children were captivated by the dreamy scenery before them.

Along the coast, wooden, two-story, Viking-style dwellings nested among grasslands and gardens, Danish-style pastoral cottages abounding.

And at the very heart of these cottages and houses, in the square with fountains, stood a majestic Gothic building, like a cathedral, at the very center of the town.

“What place is this?”

Standing on the deck, Yilona leaned on the railings, gazing at the distant port town he had never seen before.

It was much more beautiful and tranquil than the Kingdom of Mountains, at least much more than his impoverished backward village, his hometown.

“This town…”

Hailbo murmured in astonishment, “It’s too beautiful.”

Hailbo had visited some towns, but their atmosphere couldn’t begin to compare with that of Yatun Harbor.

Standing here, he felt a peace of mind, even a warmth, a warmth from deep within.

“From now on, don’t call him master,” Elsa emerged from the captain’s quarters, descending the staircase, “You must address that one as Your Majesty, and this is not just Yatun, but the Yatun Duchy!”

Yatun Duchy?

Your Majesty?

This place, this was a country!!

Even though they actually got this news from Anderson’s mouth, these boys and girls could hardly imagine it; they were originally not bought by nobles and landlords but had become the possession of a duke.

‘That’s great!’

Hailbo felt no fear, only excitement and anticipation.

Serving a duke was much better than being a mere landowner’s serf, tilling the soil for a lifetime.

Hailbo longed to fight; he wanted to be a warrior, not a farmer or a fisherman.

From a very young age, Hailbo’s mother had instilled in him the ‘principle of equivalence.’

You fight and risk your life for others; that’s how you get what you want. And if the other party rewards you, then you must achieve something deserving of that reward.

He who does not work, shall not eat!

In life, loyalty comes first; one must never be ungrateful or betray kindness.


Hearing someone had a question, Elsa turned around and saw it was Hakesa.


Elsa didn’t like this person, but if the other party had a question, she couldn’t just ignore it outright.

“What do you want us to do?”

Hakesa mustered the courage to ask Elsa, “If this is about the nation, surely you don’t need just a few of us, do you?”

However, the truth was that Yatun really did need them.

But of course, Elsa couldn’t just admit that. She continued to keep her cool, “You will know what role you play in due course.”


This time, it was Hailbo.

“What’s your question?”

Hailbo had indeed earned quite a lot of goodwill from the people of Yatun.

If this were a game world, the Yatun people, as NPCs, would surely have a hidden task prepared just for him.

“If we work diligently, will we have enough to eat?”

Faced with Hailbo’s very practical question, Elsa felt she could answer, “Of course!”

“Then I have no issue.”

He who does not work, neither shall he eat. Since the Archduke was providing them a meal, they should work for him. Wasn’t that only right and proper?

“There will be food.”


“The King here must be a good person.”

“We will work hard, we will definitely do a good job.”

Indeed, the boys and girls were grateful for Hailbo’s question. This was the most practical concern.

What about safety, what about so-called freedom? Could those compare to having food and warmth?

In a world where starving to death is commonplace, what could be more important than food and warmth?

Along the way, the children grew to love the food of Yatun.

Though their meals were simple, they were truly delicious.

Noodles, buns, rice, and also meat, along with fish.

Gonnia hadn’t revealed all of Yatun’s culinary delights, but even just one ten-thousandth of it was enough to make these inexperienced children linger and forget to return.

Being slaves had predetermined the ultimate heights of their lives.

So they didn’t aspire to live in such beautiful houses; just having a place to shelter from the wind was enough for them to be content.

“Everyone, disembark in an orderly manner and then follow me to the central square at the harbor to gather.”

Gonnia took the lead down from the ship. After speaking a few words to Elsa and Fiona, she went ahead to make arrangements, leaving the Tree Elves to stand around the children, maintaining order.

“So many flowers.”

“And butterflies and bees, birds too, there are so many.”

After disembarking from the ship, the children finally set foot on the land of Yatun.

They held an immense longing for this city.

If the Kingdom of Mountains were a black-and-white photograph, then Yatun Island was a color television, the entire world seemed to be enshrouded in an invisible dream-like force.

‘This isn’t just an illusion.’

‘There truly is an incredible force.’

Hailbo and Yilona exchanged looks, a rarity for the two boys, and from each other’s eyes, they read the shock in their hearts.

This place wasn’t simple, it was too peaceful!


The onlookers surveyed their surroundings only to discover that the houses were uninhabited; all the dwellings were empty.

“May I ask, why is there no one here?”

Faced with their question, Gonnia, Elsa, Fiona, and Anderson along with other Tree Elves, none of them answered.

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