Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 217 A New Territory Acquired

The birth of an elemental king, is a process that is left entirely in natures care, and is not to be interrupted by a third party.

Not once during an elemental kings birth, has there ever been a case where an elemental king is not naturally born from scratch, but chosen from an already existing being residing in the material world.

Orun's case, is the first of its kind, and as such, it is very disturbing and confusing to determine what his true nature is.

"here we are, our new home".

The Wyvern pack flew for days just to get across the human's territory and over to where Orun was leading them to.

Orun and the Wyvern leader on the other hand, had to keep their speed in check, to match the pace of the Wyvern pack.

"it is... A desert! Our new home, is a desert".

The Wyvern leader said, with her and her pack hovering over a sandy filled land, stretching across like an ocean with no end.

She turned her back, and saw the rich land that was the human territory, filled with trees and fruits, just a couple of miles away from where they are, and turned over to the harsh land filled with nothing but sand, and the pressuring heat wave that filled the land, along with a fact that it is completely devoid of life and water.

"now I understand why this land was made a no man's territory".

There is no one that would be willing to live in a land filled with nothing but desert sand, and a coarsh heatwave striking down on it, especially when there is nothing to feed on or drink from the land.

"you seem to be forgetting something".

Orun broke the ice that had swollen itself on the Wyvern pack with disappointment on the place that is to be their new habitat.

His enthusiasm made them wonder if there was a justified cause to which they could base their happiness on for coming across this barren land.

"what exactly do you think we forgot".

The Wyvern leader tried to be optimistic, to search for the probably non-existent positive side to their new habitat.

"me. You are all forgetting you have me!".

Orun dissipated his fire made wings, and fell down to the ground, with his feet touching the harsh sandy soil that made up the deserts properties.

"a place to call my home?"

Orun had on his face, an esthetic smile on his face, radiating his expression, making the Wyvern leader and the rest of the pack that are still hovering above, wonder what has him all happy about them ending up in a desert.

The pack kept flapping their wings up in the sky, while the Wyvern leader directed her's down, and landed herself beside Orun.

"what has you gleeming with happiness".

The Wyvern leader still did not get why Orun was overly happy about ending up in a wasteland where they will encounter all sorts of problems, mostly leaning on how to feed themselves when there are no prey to hunt.

The desert is so dry, that they have not heard a single sound made, apart from the intense breeze that has the sand flailing here and there.

She has concerns on, if this would be a good place for them to set up camp in as their territory.

"tell me leader, is this a good moment for me to cry my eyes out".


She was.... Confused, on why Orun would want to cry or why he would ask her, and she was not sure if he was trying to be funny, or if he really meant it.

"it is just.... The thought of having a legit place to consider as mine, a place free of any oppressors, a place where I can establish myself as being me. Thinking of it that way, just brings tears to my eyes".

The Wyvern leader really does not understand a word he is saying. It's like he is not even thinking of the disadvantages that comes with having a place like this as their habitat, but she is not one to rain on his fun moment.

She watched him continue to silently immerse himself with the surroundings, closing his eyes with his hand stretched out by the sides, and slowly turning his body in circles.

"my home".

Orun says, admiring the thought that he now has a permanent place to call a home.

The deal he made with the majestic beings, was that in return for patching things up with the humans, he and his race would be granted a place in the world as land owners, and not as tenants.

The place they gave him, is this so called desert. This desert, is a place that he and monster kind at large would thrive at.

They will live here going by their believes and the rules they come up with for themselves.

They will not have to worry about the invasion of humans, and can live their lives the way they want to.

Orun is not so naive to think that all monster kinds are non threatening, and would prefer to stray away from humans, or entertain the idea of staying here.

He is aware that there are some monsters who enjoy taking the lives of other humans, and for monsters like that, who are not willing to stray from the humans, but derives pleasure from killing them, he will give such kind a chance to make their own choice.

They have the choice of leaving the human territory and coming over to the newly established monster territory, to live amongst their fellow kind and forget whatever craving they have about the humans.

For those who make the choice of leaving, Orun will welcome them into the new territory, and for those who prefer to continue hunting humans, he will abandon them, to face whatever fate has in store for them.

"i have decided leader".

Orun opened his eyes and turned to look at the Wyvern leader who was still standing by his side in a daze at his reaction.

"wbat have you decided on".

She asked, curious about the sort of thought that had popped into his head.

"in this new territory of ours, let us create a monster empire. A place where all monster kind can live in under the rules made by monsters".

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