Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 218 My Goal

"what did you just say!".

"you heard me right the first time leader".

The Wyvern leader has a hearing ability that could spot any sound coming from miles away, so there is no way she would not have heard Orun who is only a one and a half feet away from her.

"do you know what you are thinking of doing".

"uniting all monster kind under one umbrella? Why, what is wrong with having an idea like that".

"because it is absurd, that's why".

Monster kind are...... Unique is the word for it.

They are not like the other race that emphasis on order through crowning a ruler to lord over the entire race.

They believe solemnly in the survival of the fittest, and they take theur believe to terrifying lengths.

Having a monster from a specie, lord over his own specie, is no problem in as much as his individual power has been proven to be above the other monsters in that same specie category.

Where the real problem stems from, is having a monster from a particular specie, attempting to lord over another monster specie that is not the same as his.

Like having a goblin king, vying to rule over an orc specie, that is a combination that can not come to be, and would end in the death of one or either of them before there can be a stop to it.

They do belong to the same race, but not just the same specie, and that, is what makes things hard for them.

More than the race, the monster kind put more value on what specie one belongs to, mostly because it also acts as a deciding factor for the monster's strength.

Orun's case is a prime example of what is being talked about. He is a monster who claims to be of the Goblin specie, but his appearance says otherwise.

His recent evolution has had him undergoing a physical difference from how he was when they first met, but even the change still does not bring him any further to looking like a goblin.

His hair had become even longer than before, now reaching beyond his waist. If he had not braided it, he would have made a good fit as a ghost.

His fangs had gone in, only slightly bigger than the rest of his teeth, his crimson eyes had gone thick red, with the white part now turned black.

His skin, taking on a deep red color with parts of his body tattooed with black colors, like his arms, from his shoulders down to his palm.

His height had grown a little from before, now measuring within the range of five and a half. His horn that was only one, had grown a second pair, now having two horns positioned at each side of his forehead, protruding out slightly longer than before.

He had changed his clothing as well, with the help of Oracle and his evolution, he can now make his own attire using his aura.

He has on him, an armless revealing the tattoo on his shoulder, with a black arm band covering from his elbow down to his wrists.

The upper part of his clothing colored black, and covered to his neck, rounded in gold clothing, and from there, the gold stretched out to his waist like a button, but in a straight line shaped.

Tied to his waist like a belt, is a golden colored clothing, with the material looking thicker from the rest of the clothing his body is covered in.

At the center of his waist, is a design colored red, and in the shape of a being with his fangs out like a lion, but more sinister, with its hair flowing down.

The shape, is an expression of how he was during his first evolution Into an half spiritual lifeform.

From his waist down, he has a black robe on, flailing around and revealing his pant colored red, with footwear colored dark gold.

His overall dressing, is one that would trend with the fashion side of the world, and his appearance in general, could be considered hot amongst monster kind, but it still does not put him as a goblin. Rather, it takes him far away from being described as a goblin.

"there is no monster that would be willing to follow a being outside the existence of their specie. And even if you force them to with your strength, there will come a time when they can no longer tolerate it, and end up rebelling".

The Wyvern leader wanted Orun to understand how the monster race is different from another when it comes to the word harmony.

To make him understand that what he wants, is a dream that cannot be attained.

"leader. Do you know what went through my mind when the Pillars told me of the world's order, and how the monsters were neglected from the order".

The Wyvern leader tried to think of what would go through the mind of Orun at that time, but she was not able to picture a thing.

"i thought to myself, monsters are inferior creatures".

Individually, monsters have demonstrated that they are stronger than humans, and some other race, but even then, the monsters are still looked down upon by the other race.

"do you know why that is".

Orun has thought it through, the reasons for why beings like monsters are neglected by other race, and he came to a single conclusion, which is; lack of coordination.

For humans, they have the Emissary to represent them, and the so called Pillars, they are all representatives of their own race.

Monsters, do not have someone like that. They are a selfish bunch who cares only for the existence of their own specie, and not the continuity of their race alike.

Back on earth, Orun understood that as much as there was hate amongst the humans of several continents, they also are capable of bringing themselves together when faced with a common enemy.

Tbey understand when to put aside their hate for each other, their differences to work together in ensuring the continuous existence of their race.

The monsters however, are unwilling to emulate such actions, regardless of what position they find themselves in.

"there are as much weak monsters as there are strong monsters out in the world, and I will create a place for those weak monsters to strive in. I will create, an haven where monsters will not be looked down upon as inferiors ever again".

Orun slowly turned his body and faced the Wyvern leader with his head raised up to look her in the eye.

"this dream of mine, is something I cannot achieve alone".

He said to her, not taking his eyes off of her in expectant of a reply from her.

"what do you need from us".

The rest of the pack flew themselves down abruptly, landing behind the Wyvern leader and positioning themselves in a well arranged order.

It was as if they were all listening to Orun and the Wyvern leader's discussion, and came down together to show that they were with him.

"you helped us protect our home when you could have fled all by yourself, you have proven to be more than just an outsider, and now become one of us".

The Wyvern leader said, raising her body in a dignified pose.

"even though I still believe your plan to be an insane one, it is a plan worth trying".

She said, bringing her head down to his face level.

"we will, help you in turning your dream into a reality".

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