Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 68: Crazy

Chapter 68: Crazy

Angelweed!" Olmir watched as the palm-sized bronze door in his hand gradually faded into reality and gradually turned into a huge portal to the underworld.

"Go and face the sun yourself!"

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, under the siege of the three ancient gods, the ancient sun god still "eaten" the Elf King without any effort, which has frightened the remaining three ancient gods.

The Phoenix Ancestor immediately closed the underworld for this reason.

The Dragon of Fantasy has to face it because it cannot run away or run away.

Now Olmir also has other options.

The scene inside the bronze door changed from virtual reality to reality. Olmir saw a portal similar to the palm-sized bronze door just now and was summoned. The two gradually became one, and a portal leading to the underworld gradually took shape.

"Hey! Olmir!" The angry voice of Greycarie, the ancestor of the phoenix, came from the deepest part of the underworld.

At this moment, the rules of the underworld were in turmoil, and countless lights and shadows flashed in the space, trying to completely block the illusory portal.

"Haha! Gray Carrie, I'm going to eat you today!" Olmir's strange sword penetrated directly into the space door and stabilized it.

Then he waved the big sword in his hand, treating this illusory space door as a "weak point", and launched the "massacre" of the red priest!

This time the "massacre" targets the entire underworld, and what is slaughtered is the rules of the underworld!

The Phoenix Ancestor is blocking, and the vast sea of ??bones and the constantly closing "door" are blocking Olmir's entry.

But "Slaughter", after cooperating with the declining power of dusk, has a frightening aura of finality, cutting off part of the rules of the underworld!


The entire underworld was torn apart, and an infinite portal appeared in the underworld and the Giant King's Court.

"Fight for the King!"


The giant soldiers as far as the eye could see began to mobilize for war, and the power of the war began to gather on the big sword used by the Giant King.

War is the art of gathering people!

Almir's power was at its strongest at this time.

"Fight!" Olmir roared angrily, boosting the fighting spirit of the entire giant clan to the extreme, staring at the ancestor of the phoenix who came out of the depths of the underworld with angry eyes.


The giant army is marching towards the portal.

"Fight!" the Phoenix Ancestor ordered, and all the undead people gathered in the underworld immediately faced the giant army.

The army of the undead is invincible in the underworld.

"Grey Carrie!" Olmir walked into the underworld, and streaks of orange and iron-blooded light shone into this country.

Not only Him, but even the scope of the Giant King's Court is changing, invading this Kingdom of God!

Centered on the space crack opened by Ormir, the dark underworld seemed to have returned to dusk, with countless undead souls decaying and withering.

The mountainous giant king enters the underworld and the terrifying giant sword drags on the land of death, killing the rules of the underworld and replacing them with dusk and decay.

The Giant King stepped forward and charged!

"Bah!" The ancestor of the phoenix was also mad, flashing a pair of huge wings, and pale death flames burned on his body.

At the same time, countless layers of illusory doors flashed in his bronze eyes.

The two ancient gods began this extremely dangerous battle.

And just when Olmir used the power of the giant family to rush into the underworld, the dragon of fantasy suddenly widened its eyes in disbelief.

"Almir is a lunatic! I can't have the slightest hope for his brain!"

The fantasy dragon couldn't help roaring.

"Lord..." Many giant dragons lay on the ground in fear.

"Almir actually launched a war against Gray Carrie at this time!"

The Dragon of Utopia looked at the spirit world in shock and anger. There was already chaos there. The powers of the two ancient gods were clashing, which greatly affected the entire spirit world.

"I originally thought that Almir would be somewhat rational before death and could see the current situation clearly, but I overestimated his IQ!"

The tone of the Fantasy Dragon gradually became indifferent, and now he even had the idea of ??joining forces with Gray Carrie to kill Almir.

Of course, this is just an impulsive idea, far from being put into practice.

"It would not be a good thing for me if either Olmir or Gray Carrie wins!"

The fantasy dragon calmed down.

"Even then, I will be the most vulnerable party!"

The winner of the war, the ancient sun god, and the dragon.

The dragon at that time was really miserable.

It can be said that Olmir's operation blocked all the escape routes of the Dragon of Fantasy, and he could only face the ancient sun god alone.

The dragon of fantasy fell silent. A bad mood for dreamers can really kill people...

His authority will project his emotions into the real world, causing unimaginable harm to the world.

"Eat the sun!" The fantasy dragon could only think of this in the end. This was his only chance.


A scene of the Miracle City coming to the Kingdom of the Sun flashed through the mind of the Dragon of Emptiness.


The imaginary scene came to reality, and the huge city of miracles flashed directly into the sky, facing the Kingdom of the Sun on the ground.


The size of the Miracle City instantly increased tenfold, and it even came with all the powerful attacks that the Utopian Dragon could imagine.

Strong wind, lightning, meteorites, spiritual breath...

Various powerful attacks are combined by the power of "utopia", making the whole world in turmoil.

"It's so fierce!" Truman looked up and exclaimed, then he opened "Everything", transformed into the Elf King directly, and threw down the "Lightning Storm"!

Thick electric snakes fell from the sky and instantly enveloped the entire Miracle City.

The aura of destruction surged, making the giant dragons in the Miracle City unspeakably frightened. Even the fantasy dragon narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling like he was really facing the Elf King.

That is a comprehensive similarity or even identicalness in personality, destiny, and ability!

"A weird dream..." The fantasy dragon changed his mind and decided to ignore this weird enemy. The entire city of miracles became real and illusory, avoiding the lightning storm with the power of "fantasy".

He had witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Truman awakened to the form of a mythical creature, and knew the limitations of Truman's ability.

The Dragon of Utopia didn't even attack Truman, not wanting to strengthen the opponent in vain.

"Believe in me." The dragon of fantasy looked at the praying residents of the Kingdom of the Sun God. A single thought would hypnotize their minds and shake the "anchor" of the ancient Sun God.

This will put the ancient sun god's mental state into an even worse situation.

"Ha, you can't touch these believers as long as I'm here." Truman protected the believers with dreamy phosphorescence and launched a death provocation, "Hey, come and beat me!"

He has been coveting the power of the Dragon of Fantasy for a long time!

"The blasphemer!" The eyes of the fantasy dragon looked at Truman indifferently.

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