Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 69: Fantasy

Chapter 69: Fantasy

He's trying to steal my authority like he stole Sunya Thorem's lightning storm."

There was a crazy and cold light in the eyes of the dragon of fantasy.

He seemed to have thought of how to deal with Truman's "blasphemous" ability in an instant.

As his thoughts turned, the City of Miracles surged tenfold again, gained unparalleled speed, and crashed down like a meteor!

"Hiss!" Truman took a breath. The Dragon of Fantasy was not targeting him, and did not take action against him. The use of its own power only turned the Miracle City into a "meteorite".

Under such circumstances, he cannot analyze the opponent with "everything", and it is difficult for him to become a dragon of fantasy.

Although these ancient gods are crazy, the power they hold is real. After figuring out the abilities of the "blasphemers", they will naturally find ways to deal with them.

The Dragon of Fantasy smashed down the Kingdom of the Sun with a simple physical impact!

A city that was aggravated to the limit fell from the sky in the form of meteorites, and the damage caused to everything on the surface was absolutely devastating.

This is the first time Truman has encountered such a simple attack in this world, without any occult coloring.

This is somewhat difficult to handle.

Truman is already thinking about whether to bring the Kingdom of Dreams out and collide with the City of Miracles, just like the shadow that summoned the Sea of ??Dreams before collided with the tsunami of "natural disaster".

"Let me do it." Saslier's voice appeared in Truman's ears.

Truman heard the words and looked around, and saw Sasril rising from the ground, holding the blasphemous slate in his hand, rising into the sky, and heading towards the City of Miracles.

Truman was inspired and jumped directly back to his dream territory, not wanting to have close contact with the sea of ??chaos.


The chaotic ocean appeared in the sky, and the entire space became filled with sea water that seemed to contain all the secrets.

All the seawater seemed to form a spot of light in the sky, forming a kind of seal, or barrier.

This barrier is also between reality and reality. In the concept related to the "utopian" power of the Sea of ??Chaos, it is in sync with the City of Miracles.

The City of Miracles could not bypass this barrier and descend directly to the Kingdom of the Sun. However, under the control of the Dragon of Imagination, the City of Miracles crashed onto the light spot countless times, stirring up endless waves.

But they couldn't break through, and the two were in a stalemate.

"It seems a little weird..." Truman looked at it from a distance, his expression a little subtle.

"Is it just you who came out? Where is the sun? His spirit is really out of balance!" The Dragon of Utopia took the initiative to guide history.

Every word He spoke has the potential to become history and guide the trend of history. This is also an exercise of "utopian" authority.

The history He claimed will come to pass!

It's just that there is a similar force surging in the sea of ??chaos, which is the concept of "utopia" in the sea of ??chaos.

"The City of Miracles will fall today." Sasril wrote a prophecy on the surface of the Sea of ??Chaos.

This is His response.

His operation is naturally far inferior to that of the real ancient sun god, but he still has the power that even the fantasy dragon covets.

The Dragon of Fantasy's eyes turned cold, various natural disasters broke out, and various concepts belonging to the star realm were realized in his fantasy.

Truman even saw a whole "sun" smashing into the sea of ??chaos.

That is the concept of the existence of the sun, which represents the terrifying mass and unimaginable high temperature.

This is the supreme power of the gods in this world.

Sasril's face was solemn, and the blasphemous slate in his hand was buzzing and trembling.

The other four related powers reappeared during the surge of the Sea of ??Chaos. The powers of the storm, the sun, the white tower, and the Hanged Man were all surges.

The concepts of the five paths of "omniscience and omnipotence" are all manifested in the sea of ??chaos. Although they are illusions, the agitation of the sea of ??chaos still blocks the intention of the dragon of fantasy to land.

But the vice-lord of Heaven hadn't breathed a sigh of relief yet. The Dragon of Imagination glanced at Sasril and unleashed various skills that only existed in imagination. Sasril was instantly overwhelmed!

With the Profanity Tablet being restrained, Sasriel was no more than a King of Angels at his most powerful.

But except for the uniqueness of the Dragon of Fantasy, the power of the other extraordinary characteristics are all within the scope of fantasy!

At the same time, there were many attacks at the King of Angels level around Saslier.

There is the deprivation of life by the "Nature Walker", the disappearance of the night by the "Calamity Knight", and the fatal attack by the "Conqueror"...

These first-sequence attacks came from the imagination of the Dragon of Utopia and were strengthened to three first-sequence attacks, posing a great threat to Sasril's body and drowning Sasril in an instant!


A black emperor's crown suddenly appeared on Saslier's head.

This crown directly distorts the path of the attack to Sasriel, directing it towards the City of Miracles.

But Saslier's uniqueness goes beyond that.

"Scroll of Civilization", "Book of Brass", "Error" Uniqueness!

Today, Saslier has completely surpassed the King of Angels. Who King of Angels can control so much power? !

This is a huge burden for Saslier.

But the uniqueness of these being grazed by the ancient sun god is that the ancient sun god used the "wrong" authority to get stuck.

Sasriel is the clone of the ancient sun god, so things belonging to the ancient sun god belong to Sasriel.

In this way, Saslier does not need to worry about being unable to afford it, and can perfectly utilize these unique powers.

"The sun gave you all these things?" the fantasy dragon suddenly said, and then his attack suddenly increased to a level, using the power of "utopia" to forcefully suppress these uniquenesses.

Compared with the authority held by the true God, the authority embodied in the uniqueness has very obvious weaknesses. They have not experienced an essential ascension and have not reached the level of gods in terms of personality.


The scroll of civilization unfolded, and the brass book began to formulate rules, assisted by the black emperor's crown and the uniqueness of "error."

In a short period of time, Saslier had formed a balance of power with those imaginary forces, and this "weak point" could not be breached.

"Can Chaos Overseas plus a few unique items hold back the City of Miracles and the Dragon of Fantasy?" Truman looked at the sky with an even weirder expression.

"It makes sense, but why don't I believe it?"

He has an understanding of Sasril's strength and can stop the Dragon of Fantasy, but it is difficult to do so.

Truman directly took back the dream shield that was used to protect the believers in the Kingdom of Heaven, and let it shatter, and bits of dreamy phosphorescence spread to every corner of the Kingdom of Heaven.

These dreamy phosphorescences carry Truman's will to search for some kind of clues.

"Sure enough!" Truman's eyes lit up as he made a real discovery.

There is something unusual about the collective subconscious sea of ??Creator believers!

Truman himself turned into an illusory shadow and jumped directly into the sea of ??collective subconscious.

He released his dream body, and the illusory ocean behind him turned into dream bubbles, with countless dream tentacles extending to every corner of the subconscious ocean.

"Got you!"

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