Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 185 You're Too Weak

With a resounding crack, the last chain succumbed, shattering into fragments that scattered across the ground like confetti. The sound echoed through the vast land, reverberating with the weight of liberation. 

He let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the chains had been broken without any signs of traps activating. He couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself, amused by the stark contrast between reality and the cliched tales he had read in novels.

In those fantastical stories, it seemed like every heroic rescue was met with a labyrinth of perilous traps, designed to stop the hero's noble intentions at every turn. Yet, here he stood, unscathed and victorious, having successfully broken the chains and liberated the woman without so much as a flicker of danger.

Standing up, he gazed down at the woman, anticipation filling his eyes. However, to his surprise, she remained still, unmoved by the echoing cracks and the newfound freedom that surrounded her. It was as if she was unaffected by the significant event that had just unfolded.

"Hey, wake up," he called out to her. He hoped his words would penetrate the depths of her unconsciousness and rouse her from her slumber. He leaned closer, watching intently for any sign of response, a flicker of awareness that would indicate she was finally emerging from her deep sleep.

Finally, a subtle twitch caught his attention, breaking the stillness that had enveloped her.

As the woman's eyes slowly fluttered open, it became apparent that the spell binding her had finally dissipated. However, to his surprise, she remained unresponsive, almost as if she were still in a daze.

Her black eyes seems unoccupied, as if she was still not aware that she was already free. This was completely different from Erika. Erika was also bound for years in that ice pillar but she was more responsive the moment she got free.  In fact, she had burst forth with an abundance of energy and vitality as soon as she regained her freedom.

He pondered the possible reasons for this discrepancy. Perhaps the nature of the spells that held them captive was different, or maybe this woman had endured a more arduous ordeal that left her mind and spirit distant and detached. Regardless, he knew that he had to find a way to penetrate the walls she seemed to have built around herself.

"Hey are you alright?, I'm here to rescue you" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. But she merely stared ahead, her gaze distant and unfocused.

"This won't do. I need to take her with me first."  he thought to himself, realizing that time was of the essence. He couldn't afford to linger any longer if they were to escape this place together. The priority now was to find a way out, and seek the help and guidance of Evangeline and Erika, who possessed more knowledge than him.

As his hand made contact with the woman's skin, he couldn't help but notice the softness and warmth that enveloped him. Her body, larger than that of other women he had encountered, felt incredibly inviting and comforting to the touch, akin to a huggable pillow. It was a sensation he hadn't experienced before, one that evoked a sense of tenderness and gentleness.

Having been accustomed to encountering women who fit a certain type of ideal of attractiveness—slender and conventionally sexy—the sight of someone who deviated from that norm but was still undeniably captivating triggered a whirlwind of thoughts in his mind, veering into dangerous territory. 

'I hate how my brain work sometimes,' he sighed . Regaining his composure, he shook his head as if to dispel the alluring distractions that threatened to veer him off course. 

He gently and carefully placed one hand on the woman's waist, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath his touch. With his other hand supporting her shoulder, he ensured she was cradled securely in his grasp. Despite her larger size in his current humanoid form, he exuded confidence in his strength, trusting in his abilities to handle the situation with care.



"Eh?" he exclaimed in surprise, his eyebrows furrowing as he attempted to lift the sleeping woman, only to find her unmoving. The audacity of the situation baffled him.

In his current humanoid form, his strength was unparalleled, capable of effortlessly bench pressing weights exceeding 1000 kg. Doubt crept into his mind as he questioned whether this woman could possibly weigh more than 150 kg, considering her physique.

Frowning, he reassessed his grip, making sure to distribute his strength evenly, determined to overcome this unexpected challenge. With renewed determination, he summoned his power, channeling it into his muscles, and applied a measured force to lift her again.

"One more time," he muttered to himself, refusing to be deterred by the initial setback. 

"Ahhhhhh!" he grunted, exerting himself to the fullest extent. And this time, he succeeded in lifting her, if only for a fleeting moment. However, as his grip weakened, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.


That's right!, he was only able to lift her for a couple of seconds before his whole body was forced to kneel on the ground.

"Wait, how is this even possible?" he exclaimed ,his voice tinged with disbelief. His mind struggled to reconcile the fact that despite possessing superhuman strength, he had been unable to lift her for more than a mere couple of seconds.

"I have no choice," With a resigned sigh, he acknowledged the gravity of the situation. There was no other option left; he had to go all out. The time for hesitation and doubt had passed..

Summoning every ounce of his inner strength, he felt a surge of energy course through his veins. The air around him crackled with intensity as his muscles tensed, preparing for his transformation.

He embraced the untamed essence that resided deep within his being.

"GRRRRRRRRRRR" With a primal roar that echoed through the vast land, his body underwent a breathtaking transformation, shedding his human form to reveal the magnificent power of his true nature as a formidable werewolf.

As sunlight bathed his expanding figure, his bones stretched and shifted, sinews rippling with raw strength. His once-human features were consumed by a visage that exuded both beauty and danger—a snarling maw lined with razor-sharp fangs, intense eyes ablaze with a feral hunger.

In this epic metamorphosis, he towered above mere mortals, his stature reaching a breathtaking height . The woman who had previously appeared huge now seemed normal and delicate in comparison.

With his boosted strength coursing through his veins, he plan to lift the woman again. In this formidable werewolf form, his lifting power had increased ten fold, granting him an unparalleled advantage.

In addition ,unlike his humanoid form, his physique now boasted the perfect proportions for carrying someone of substantial weight. His large hands and elongated arms provided the necessary leverage and support.

Summoning his inner power, he positioned himself carefully, ensuring a secure hold on her sleeping and vulnerable body. As he applied his extraordinary strength, a sense of triumph surged within him but it only last for a moment.

"Is her body made of supernatural lead?" he grumbled in frustration. Despite tapping into his full, raw strength, he found himself still struggling to lift her.

Confronted with this vexing mystery , his mind raced at an accelerated pace, desperately seeking a solution to his predicament. In the midst of the stormy whirlwind of thoughts, a flicker of inspiration ignited within him. An idea, like a beacon in the darkness, illuminated his mind.

Gathering his focus, he honed his energy, directing it towards his waist ,legs and hands. In that moment, he understood that he needed to tap into the reservoir of his inner power to maintain his tenuous grip on her weight. It was a disheartening realization, knowing that he had to rely on his energy source just to carry her, but he recognized it as his only chance to keep her up.

He carried her one step at a time, his steps steady and slow. Despite the absurdity  of her weight, his enhanced abilities allowed him to move somehow. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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