Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 186 The Power Than Can Topple Nations.

His muscles strained under the weight, fueled by the surge of his energy. Beads of sweat formed on his furry forehead, proof of the intense effort required to maintain his grip. He poured every ounce of his being into this task, his unwavering determination and increased strength combining to sustain the delicate balance.

In that suspended moment, it felt as though time itself had frozen. The burden he bore seemed immense, the weight of the world squarely on his shoulders. The energy coursing through his veins provided a temporary aid, a glimmer of hope amidst the overwhelming pressure that threatened to engulf him.




With each step he took, he felt his muscles actually ripping apart. After only covering a distance of twenty steps, he noticed that his energy reserves had already depleted by 10%.

It was a concerning realization, especially considering that his energy capacity surpassed even that of Erika, someone known for her formidable powers. This meant that not only was rescuing this woman out of the question, but he couldn't even run at this point.

"I can't believe I'm so weak," he grumbled, his frustration evident in his voice. He had believed that he had become a formidable force, a symbol of strength and power. However, each new challenge seemed to shatter his preconceived notions, leaving him feeling vulnerable and questioning his own abilities.

But in the midst of his frustration, a glimmer of conviction flickered within him. He knew that true strength was not simply measured by the absence of challenges, but by the resilience to face them head-on.

"Don't worry, you're not weak at all," a sweet voice unexpectedly spoke from beneath his chest. 

Startled, he grumbled in response, his words muffled by his werewolf form. However, to his surprise, the woman seemed to comprehend him perfectly, despite his altered state. 

"You're awake now?" he questioned, a sense of relief filling his voice. Finally, he could release his grip and catch his breath.

"Indeed I am awake, and I apologized for being a burden," she admitted, her voice tinged with embarrassment. 

"Who sent you here if you don't mind me asking ?" she asked.

"Evangeline sent me to rescue you, My name is Vincent" 

Then, in a moment of realization, the woman paused, her expression shifting as if she had just remembered something of great importance. Her eyes widened slightly, and a flicker of disbelief  danced in her gaze.

However , she quickly concealed her expression of surprise, swiftly regaining her composure and adopting a more composed demeanor.

"Thank you for saving me Sir, Vincent. My name is Selene, the horned goddess. Unfortunately ,I still can't move despite awakening from my slumber "

"Horned Goddess ? Wait, that's not important right now. What do you mean you can't move?" he asked, his tone filled with concern, as he carefully lowered her to the ground.

"This is embarrassing to say, but I'm just too heavy right now," she admitted, her voice laced with hint of embarrassment. Her personality seemed to be a stark contrast to her imposing figure.

'Too heavy? I think that's an understatement,' he silently mused, careful to keep his thoughts to himself. It wouldn't be polite to openly comment on a woman's weight, regardless of the circumstances.

"I understand your confusion," Selene began, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "You see, my power allows me to control my own weight. However, I have been trapped in those chains for countless years, and as a result, my power has become locked inside me. It has left me with no choice but to remain in this heavy state."

Her words carried a sense of resignation, as if she had come to accept her current predicament. The weight of her words matched the weight she carried, both physically and metaphorically.

"Then, is there a way to solve this? Can't you simply release all that pent-up energy?" he inquired, expecting that there would be a solution to her predicament.

Vincent, being well-versed in the intricacies of energy manipulation, pondered her situation. If what she claimed was true, then it seemed plausible that she could release the pent-up energy and alleviate her condition. She could just channel all those energy upward and be done with it.

Selene paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding. It seems that her problem was not as simple as Vincent thought.

Her face flushed with embarrassment as she contemplated how to articulate her current condition. She could feel the heat rising, turning her cheeks a deep shade of red. The internal struggle to find the right words added to her unease, making her feel vulnerable and exposed.

Finally, she took a deep breath, steadying herself. She knew she had to gather the courage to communicate her situation to her savior. 

"When I mentioned storing a significant amount of energy, I meant it quite literally," Selene explained, her voice a bit shy. "You see, my race produces a special liquid that contains enormous power, and the only way to suck it out is..."

"Suck ?" Before she could finish her sentence, Vincent felt like was struck by a bolt of lightning. He'd already noticed her distinguishing features before—the horn, the black and white patches, the huge breast which can topple nations, all hinted at her true nature. Nonetheless, he couldn't believe his assumptions had been correct.

'Evangeline,' he sighed, disappointment evident in his voice, he couldn't help but wonder why Evangeline had intentionally omitted such crucial information from him. It left him feeling puzzled and slightly frustrated. What did she think of him? Did she believe he would enjoy these type of revelations? Did she think that he was a horny dog that only think with his bottom?

He was genuinely hurt .

However, as he shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, his gaze was forcibly attracted to the immense watermelon-like object before him. Normally, a large boobs like this would be saggy due to its size, but her supernatural body allowed her to keep it in a soft and perfect shape..

The sight alone caused his mouth to water, a natural response even more noticeable  in his werewolf form. The anticipation of the contents inside heightened his senses, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and temptation , despite the circumstances.

Realizing that he was drooling, he quickly transformed back into his human form. He wiped the corner of his mouth, feeling a tinge of embarrassment at his lapse. It was clear that his werewolf instincts had momentarily taken over, driven by the primal desire for sustenance.

Selene's face, on the other hand,  shifted the moment she saw his human form. It was subtle, but Vincent did notice it. However, he was too distracted by her explanation to even care.

"So... I just have to... suck it?" he inquired hesitantly, searching for clarity in her words. His awkward expression mirrored his confusion as he attempted to process her explanation. 

Selene's face turned an even deeper shade of red, her embarrassment evident as she heard the word "Suck".

"Yes, that's right. But I have to warn you, the potency of my mil....liquid has a very high chance make you go berserk and lost control. So please, resist the urge to drink more than you can handle."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful," he said, instinctively reaching for her breast. Selene considered undressing herself, but Vincent moved first so it was too late for her to say anything .

She just waited for his touch to reach her, feeling a surge of heat in her body as his hands drew closer.

"Please be gentle," she whispered softly, her voice filled with vulnerability. Despite her imposing physique and the experiences she had accumulated during her countless years living, Selene remained a timid woman at heart.

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