My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 227 Dungeon Braves

Day 63

So, some goblins were pregnant apparently. How and when it happened? Well, that’s a really funny story. Goblins were the smallest and most endangered creatures in the forest, hence when they breed, they take no longer than 3 weeks and one goblin can produce a minimum of 4 babies to ensure their continuity.

These horny bastards were at it the night Minerva was being beaten to a pulp. I can’t imagine being in the dungeon with them while they did this.

Oh, dear heavens.

Maybe they assumed they were on the verge of death, so they would impregnate the females and shove them deeper into the dungeon, hoping they wouldn’t be found out. That was stupid on their part. Then, there was the fact that female goblins received no disadvantages when pregnant like human women do. No swollen belly, cramps, kicking or any of the sort. Just a one-time leak of babies like they were turds. Hob-goblins were different though and the process was obviously different when the goblins raped humans too.

But, overall, they were very disgusting creatures.

I tried my very best to forget about it. On the bright side, the skills Akira had been fusing were done. Well, I got up one day and asked what exactly would happen if I managed to combine both [Fusion] and [Synthesis]. How I combined them? Don’t ask me. It was a weird combination of the processes to create a new process.

Anyway, [Skill Alchemy] as it was called was an over-the-top broken skill. It allowed for me to not only fuse any skills together, but I could also upgrade them into Advanced skills with ease. And it was a skill so powerful fusing unique skills shouldn’t take as long as it did before.

Sure, since [Fusion] and [Synthesist] were approaching their final stages, they were creating [Advanced Skills], but the combination was simply better in the sense that it also allowed me to mess with the skills of anyone in my familiar. I could upgrade all of them as well as downgrade the skill and reduce it to a nearly useless waste of space now. With something like this, it made one wonder if they could mess with the skills their enemies possessed, no?

Unfortunately, [Skill Alchemy] didn’t work against enemies like how I was thinking. It was still a broken ability since it allowed me to tamper with the skills of other people. Sure, there were limits like if I didn’t have enough time to do it and I had to be touching the person to alter their skills, but still a very strong skill.

I also received a notification from Akkun that he managed to lure in some humans. I wasn’t in the mood to see the gruesome scene myself, so I asked Hyakkun to handle it. Akira returned to work on fusions once again.

I got a report from Reiman. The tunnellers were done setting up things in the East. We had a straight, safe route to the East. Well, not like I needed it. Akkun and Akira came up with a few ideas on what we could do with the tunnels, but it was too early to implement such ideas.

For now, the most important thing was that we had access to information from the East. Next up was the North. We were already deep into the Boulderdane Kingdom, so if there was an approaching army from there, we’d know. Though, with that kingdom being in its current state, I doubt we had to worry about anything from there.

He also reported that, the Eastern Forest had revived to a certain point, though it wreaked of death and pain. Death and pain reminded me of Krull, so it sounded just about right to me.

I wanted to go to the East immediately, but since I promised to go with Kara, I would just have to wait till tomorrow. She wanted more time to mentally prepare herself to go back there. Choosing to respect her wishes, I ended up having nothing to do other than focusing on my dungeon once again.

Well, I guess it would be good for me, the dungeon master, to gain experience on such things and personally point out any issues.

The first floor was filled with about 20 lesser shadow soldiers, D+ ranked creatures. The adventurers were all C+ from my scanning and according to memories from Akira’s time, they were a B ranked adventurer party.

I failed to understand how a collection of 5 C+ ranks was equal to a B rank, but I guess humans simply had a weird system in place.

1 swordsman, 2 rogues, 1 mage, 1 druid. I should note that both rogues had different sub-classes. 1 was a ninja and the other was a thief. One was more specialised in combat whereas the other was more into illusions and stealth.

From the looks of things, the only ones who would be a problem were the druid and mage, more the druid since the mage’s affinity was wind magic. That wouldn’t cause much damage to the shadows. The swordsman had mastered some martial arts so I was curious about how well that’d fair against a shadow. The thief and ninja were completely screwed though. I mean, they could try their best to hide in the shadows, but my soldiers were the shadows.

The fight begun with the druid casting an orb of light to brighten up the room and make it easier to see. The adventurers were happy to see some monsters, though they were confused since they hadn’t faced such things before. The first one to jump in was the swordsman.

He was much faster than the shadows and ended up slicing through one in a blink, using his aura. The mage also used his wind magic to boost the speed of the swordsman. The druid was being guarded by both the ninja and thief while she chanted something. I personally made it a point to make the mobs attack anyone they saw preparing a spell. For now, the shadows were going freestyle.

The mage also used a quick chant to release a gust of wind to blow away some shadows. I assumed it was ineffective, but it did deal decent damage to some shadows. As if sensing the possible danger, some shadows instinctively charged at the druid who was being protected.

The thief scavenged through his pouch and brought out a pale translucent pebble. A [light Magic Stone]. He struck his knife against the stone, giving his weapon the stone’s attribute. With that, he managed to repel some shadows. The ninja, who I had thrown away as useless was quite possibly the most troublesome foe for the shadows.

With his quick attacks and evasion, he managed to distract the shadows long enough for the druid to finish what she was doing. She created a plant of light that fired light beams all around, instantly K.Oing the shadows.

What made me the most curious out of everyone was the ninja, who possessed ninjutsu, but hadn’t used any. I get that their physical stats were low and they didn’t have much mana and aura, but he should have shown me something at least.

Wanting to see his ninjutsu badly, I ordered the shadows on the second floor to focus their attacks on the ninja and the druid. One way or the other, I was going to see it.

On the second floor, the shadows wasted no time. They immediately went on the offensive against the ninja and druid, not giving them anything to cast a proper spell. The ninja was fast, easily swerving out of the way of 5 angry shadows, while avoiding and defending against the attacks of three more.

I read through his mind and even he noticed how absurd it was that they went for him and the druid almost immediately. He came up with the idea that the shadows had seen the fight on the other floor and identified he and the druid as the most dangerous. The best plan for the team was to use the shadows’ newfound obsession with him to keep them distracted enough for his party members to wipe them out.

A fast thinker and fighter. With his intellect, he was probably the party leader. He took out some papers from his back that had markings on them.


My mouth couldn’t help but water with excitement. With two fingers up, he casted a chant on them and they transformed into electric birds that hit the shadows, killing them instantly!

This was it, finally, he was going to show me his utility belt! He used a shadow clone jutsu to confuse the shadows. Both the clone and original then casted two different jutsu, Breath of the Fire God and Cry of the River God. They caused the shadows to slow down.

This went on for another 30 minutes.

The ninja was running low on stamina after having to face over a dozen shadows that were literally just a rank below him. The druid was protected by the thief and mage, while the swordsman went clearing up the others.

Once finished, they took a break. There was a brief moment where they questioned if it was worth it progressing further. Considering how troublesome this was for the ninja, they weren’t sure. They wanted to withdraw for now.

We couldn’t have that now, could we? I dropped a crate for them to see. The thief scanned to see if there were any traps, before opening the box. In it, they found some gold coins that didn’t look like their currency.

Human greed would always reign supreme, especially when it came to thieves. Or so I thought, but they settled on simply taking the crate back with them then showing it to everyone as proof. Since they were a relatively weak party, no one would expect much of them.

It wasn’t going according to plan and I was forced to trap them in there. The only way out was finishing the dungeon. They were terrified when they heard my voice, but they had no choice but to listen to my orders.

They finally got to the third floor. In seconds, they were each done in by two shadows easily. The only possible nuisance was the thief who still had his knife, but the moment all the shadows ganged up on him, it was pointless. Considering they were tired from the second floor, I guess I could understand them. I rose my hopes up for nothing. Tch.

I ended up getting 7,500 dungeon points, 1000 gacha points and 10,000 experience points for the dungeon, as well as 2,000 experience points as the dungeon master.

Was kind of disappointed they didn’t get to the final floor or anything, but waiting for new people to come wouldn’t be a problem. That is till Akira told me these guys were a recon squad and were supposed to report back on if we were telling the truth about a “safe” dungeon being out here.

I was in trouble… or so I would have you think!


The [Supreme Logic Council] had already planned for such a scenario! Our plan to draw in more human adventurers would never fail us. We would raise the dungeon to a high level, then I can customise it to my personal tastes.

I’d give the dungeon about a week or two before properly changing its outlook. That is, to make it more interesting for outsiders. The bodies were kept deep down in the dungeon where no one would see them. Akkun wanted to test something out later.



Dungeon Name: Forbidden Dungeon

Dungeon Rank: C

Dungeon Master: Hyakkiyako

Dungeon Level: 5 Experience Points: 10,102/40,000

Dungeon Population: 35/300 Mana Crystals: 20/20 Mana Crystal Production Rate: 1%

Dungeon Attribute: -


[Dungeon Master Name: Hyakkiyago Hinotori

[Dungeon Master Level: 0

[Experience Points: 5200/50000|

[Wallet: 8,710DP| 1011GP

[Reputation: 0 points (Non-Existent)

[Titles: -

[Skills: [Dungeon Travel], [Dungeon Control]



<A/N: RIP dungeon braves.>

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