My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 228 A Visit To The East

Day 64

As early as possible, I woke up Kara so we could go to the East. I didn’t know why I was so excited to go there. Maybe it was because I was seeing a new unknown place. Maybe cause it felt like a mission to sneak into enemy territory. I wasn’t sure, but I really was stoked about it. Kara

She had steeled herself to face her father. I was starting to feel bad for trying to force her into it so I gave her the option to stay. I’d just figure something out once I got to the east, it’d be like 4 hours of flying straight with [Vector Control] or teleporting to the skies above the East and about 30 minutes of searching, but I didn’t mind that.

The ogress refused, wanting to face her inner demons. Well, if not now, she probably wouldn’t get another chance to. I called Nukeme over to give him a special order. He happily agreed, then we left off.

In no time, we managed to get to the East. During the trip, Kara wanted to talk to me about something, but she wasn’t sure how to explain it. I wanted to read her mind, but some sort of instinct in me told me not to. I just wouldn’t take what she was going to say to me lightly. I was already stressed out enough as it was.

I’d even forgotten to eat over the past few days due to all the thinking I’d been doing.

Kara directed us straight to her home and we were met by a terrifying sight. There was a fortress made out of wood, with some of its walls broken down. The watch towers had arrows stuck in them, with two bodies hanged down with a rope around their necks as a sort of public execution.

Around the fortress, I could make out scorched earth and items scattered on the ground, meaning people used to live there. It appeared as though they were in a rush to leave and ended up forgetting some things.

Kara’s mouth was over her hand the entire time and her feeling of fear and anxiety radiated so much I could sense it.

The most shocking sight had to be the courtyard. Layers of dead, bloody bodies, piled up on the courtyard. All of them were ogres with pierced or broken armour. A wyvern was also left dead at a part of the courtyard, its head severed from its body.

Possibly the most curious sight was the living person who had been crucified. They had two arrows in their knees and their arms had been tied up on the wooden pillar. Spears stuck out of their naked body, and their head hang low. I could identify all sorts of other bruises and injuries far too inhumane to speak about.

The most unfortunate part was the fact that they were alive. Kara jumped off and rushed to the person immediately, crying out their name. Normally I’d emphasise caution here, but no one would be able to contain themselves if they saw their sister in such a state.

I helped her out by picking her sister off the pole. We fed her a renosue potion and it took effect almost immediately, sealing about about half of her wounds. I wasn’t sure if feeding her another potion would finish the job and honestly, Diane and Sylvie would have better knowledge on such issues than myself. In the end, I teleported her to Sylvie and told Sylvie to heal her up and inform me on anything.

I had already scanned the fortress and there was only one living being inside it. In the deepest darkest portion of the fort, the tyrant of the east, the war monger Krull sat in a depressing manner. He scoffed the moment he saw me then dropped the dead body he was feasting on.

I tried to start a conversation, but he threw the corpse at me then started talking to Kara. The ogress was not too pleased about what happened to her sister. It was the first time I’d seen such bloodlust from her and her magic was starting to fluctuate wildly.

Krull mocked her emotions and taunted her. Kara wasn’t so stupid to think that she could take on her father and easily resisted his jabs at her. Unfortunately for Kara, Krull wasn’t so patient. He attacked her in a moment’s notice and Kara wouldn’t have the speed or power to defend against it. But I did.

I kicked him back into his seat and tried to explain the current situation to him. Krull was suspicious of how I’d acquired such power in a short amount of time and I wasn’t going to tell him. Realising the conversation with Krull was going nowhere, I asked for the whereabouts of the other races. The ogre refused to comply with my wishes.

I had one final question and that was if he was still a tyrant. Because, being perfectly honest, now that Goliath was dead, Krull shouldn’t have that title anymore. He didn’t when I scanned him and from Krull’s reaction, I’d confirmed that he also knew this.

The reason for him killing all the ogres was still unknown, but I could surmise it had something to do with him no longer being a tyrant. I guess, unofficially, the tyrants of the Larm were abolished.

Just as we were leaving, Reiman sent a notification implying he had talked things out with the Orc king and he agreed to aid us. He was currently on his way to the troll king and using the familiar system, I’d be able to track him and teleport directly there. There was no need in me rushing since Reiman was better at diplomatic stuff than myself.

We just decided to go through the fort and find anything interesting. Kara returned to her room almost immediately. We found that her room had been left completely untouched. It was even dusty with everything being exactly where she left it.

On the desk in the corner of her room, there was a parchment with some symbols on it. She grabbed it excitedly and read through it, geeking about how smart she was for making whatever that was. I, on the other hand, was enjoying my time in a girl’s room.

Now, now, here me out. I’d been to Akane’s room before, but who hadn’t gone to the best friend’s room before? Minerva’s didn’t count as that place was not fit to even be called feminine. The princess was annoying so I couldn’t even think about anything and the mansion… well it’s my room that the girls hijacked so I didn’t feel anything. But now, I was actually in a girl’s room and their parent was around.

Couldn’t help but feel excited. It would have been better if the place wasn’t dusty and still smelt like Kara, but it could work. I was going to peek at every nook and cranny.

First off was the bed. I jumped on it. Next was the closet, I scanned through all her clothes and asked if Kara would want them. She did, since she’d been wearing just that one dirty outfit for over a month. Then there were her shelves of books… I skipped those then went to check her balcony. We were on the second floor and she had a really great view of everything from here.

Not like the sight of corpses was great or anything. In fact, the stench was downright awful. While Kara was busily gawking through her notes, I had shadows do some clean up. The bodies were instead buried beneath the courtyard.

I didn’t like Krull, but I also didn’t like the idea of having a friend’s home tainted by such a sight. The shadows worked fast, clearing up the courtyard. The only issue was the wyvern, who I’d planned on eating later on. I didn’t really need any skills from it since as soon as I was done processing the [Dragon Cores]. I’d have a plethora of dragon skills to access.

When I was done with her room, Kara called me over to explain some of her crazy works. She had been working on an invisible barrier that could differentiate friend from foe and kill any enemy with intense amounts of lightning, whilst also radiating anti-magic.

She was finding it difficult to do, since the moment anti-magic came into the equation, the barrier itself would shut-down. If we set up [Dragon Scales] around the barrier she was talking about, then we’d be able to use the barrier while enemies couldn’t use their magic. The problem with that was [Dragon Scales] worked as scales on the body.

Even if we managed to come up with a solution for combining anti-magic and the electric barrier, there was the issue of a large enough power source. Kara couldn’t power this. I could try, but I’d last at most 3 days if we were to keep it up continuously. 2 weeks if I took all the mana from every familia member. Then again, it wasn’t really an issue since I already had a solution to that.

Just as we were trying to brainstorm ideas for that, I received an alert from Reiman. The troll king was trying to kill him. Wasting no time, we both headed out with teleportation.

As soon as I identified them, I kicked the troll king’s arm, accidentally snapping it in two and freeing Reiman. I wish I could lie that I was sorry, but I felt absolutely no remorse for him. The grey troll ignored the pain. I remembered that their troll king was a red troll, but he was nowhere to be found.

From the silence of the members, I deduced that Krull had killed him off in a rage. The orc king must have been lucky.

We elaborated on our reason for coming, but the trolls refused to communicate and were insistent on fighting us. Since we couldn’t reason with them, we left to go find the remaining kobolds. There were a lot of kobold corpses so I wasn’t sure if they really were alive, but Kara explained that there were some Kobold villages Krull acquired new slaves from.

A few villages agreed, and some just ignored us.

It was a rowdy day of searching for people. Once we were done, we returned to the West. After tomorrow, the meeting would begin. I never thought I’d be attending such a thing, let alone being the one to organise it.

Kara went off to go check up on her sister. I suggested talking to Sylvie about the barrier idea as well. That pixie was surprisingly smart. The agent had some ideas as well, but I didn’t share those with Kara. I wanted to see something for myself first.


[The skill [Shadow Demon Summoning] became [Shadow Demon Summoning Level 9]]

[You can now summon [Shadow Fiends]]


[Fiendish Gaze] + [Imprint] + [Hypnotic Gaze] + [Intimidating Aura] = [Gaze of Dominance] (Advanced Skill)

[Mossy Scales] + [Spawn Spores] = [Mossidile Spawn Spores]


[Tori acquired the skill [Dark Magic: Undead Creation]]

[Tori unlocked a portion of the [Dark Arts]]

[Tori acquired [Life Magic]]

[There will be limitations as this was unlocked unorthodoxly]

<A/N: Took like forever, but we finally see how the East is like after Krull lost. It hasn’t been long since the fight against Krull. Just a little over a month. Please give me your power stones, comments, golden tickets and reviews so I get more motivated to release the chapters! Join the discord as well! Have a good day.>

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