Pale Flesh

Chapter 10 10

A sense of dread spread through John's body as he left Aiden's office. His mind raced with panic.

Aiden was still alive. John had already made a deal with the ruthless underworld boss Willem Grant to have Aiden assassinated. But now the deed was unfinished and John still owed Willem a massive debt.

John couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Aiden sitting there alive and well - and somehow different, more sinister than before. Clearly the assassin had failed and was probably dead now.

John clenched his fists. Should he tell Willem the assassin had scammed him? But he had no proof - he hadn't even saved the video the assassin sent showing Aiden's "lifeless body".

A cold sweat broke out on John's brow. There was no way out of this mess. If Willem discovered John had lied to him, John's life wouldn't be worth living. But if Aiden uncovered John's plot against him, John would lose everything - his position, his reputation, perhaps even his freedom.

John walked in a daze to his car, wondering how he could possibly dig himself out of this hole. Aiden now knew something was afoot, that much was clear. John would have to tread lightly to keep Aiden from getting suspicious, at least until he figured out a way to pay back Willem's debt.

One thing was certain: going to the ruthless underworld for help against Aiden had been the biggest mistake of John's life. And now he would pay dearly for it, one way or another.


As John hurried away, panic written across his face, Aiden pondered the most efficient and gruesome way to deal with his former friend's betrayal.

John should have known better than to conspire with the underworld against him. But people do foolish things when blinded by greed and ambition.

While Aiden mused upon John's inevitable fate, his old friend and college roommate Kai Moore strode into his office.

"Yo, have you been working out?" Kai exclaimed, eyes wide at Aiden's transformed physique.

Aiden chuckled. "You could say that."

Kai, the celebrity artist and record label mogul, was Aiden's opposite in almost every way - kindhearted where Aiden was calculating, social where Aiden was controlling. Aiden often wondered how they'd become friends.

With his blond hair, blue eyes and angelic looks, Kai was a far cry from Aiden, the demon prince rising within a bespoke suit. But their odd friendship had persisted since college, through success and fame.

"I hadn't heard from you in days," Kai said, concerned. "Just wanted to check you're alright, old friend."

Aiden smiled, genuinely pleased to see Kai. His old friend's presence reminded Aiden of his own lost humanity, making him resolve to deal with John's betrayal swiftly, yet fairly.

"I'm fine, Kai. Just underwent a few...changes. But it's good to see you."

Kai grinned, relaxing. Some things, at least, never changed between them.

Kai was shocked by how different his old friend looked. Aiden's physique was transformed, his energy intense in a way Kai had never sensed before.

As Kai talked, he noticed a streak of white hair amidst Aiden's dark locks. Then Aiden glanced up and Kai met his blood red eyes, contacts surely, though strangely Kai found himself shrugging off these major changes in his friend.

A familiar ease flowed between them as they caught up, but Kai sensed something simmering just beneath the surface in Aiden. An air of command, a hint of darkness that Kai couldn't quite place.

Yet Kai felt no fear, only curiosity and concern for his oldest friend. After all they had been through, he knew Aiden's inner goodness remained somewhere, buried perhaps but not lost.

Kai asked lightheartedly, "So who did you anger to receive those eyes and that white streak? You look like you walked off the set of a horror film!"

Aiden chuckled deeply but his red eyes held a weight that unsettled Kai. The demons Aiden had faced, whatever he had done or become, clearly ran deep.

Still, Kai resolved to stand by his friend. Their long history, their shared moments of joy and comfort, could not be erased so easily - or so Kai hoped, despite the twisted forces threatening to consume Aiden whole.

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