Pale Flesh

Chapter 9 9

Patrick helped Aiden into his new bespoke suit, the blood red fabric hugging his transformed physique perfectly. As Patrick adjusted the jacket and tie, he shook his head in wonder.

"Sir, you look every bit the modern demon prince." Patrick said with a smile. "Your suit finally matches the awe and fear you inspire."

Aiden smirked, studying his imposing form in the mirror. "It seems my outerworldly guise has come at last."

Patrick bowed slightly. "You honor me with the privilege of dressing you, my lord."

Aiden chuckled and stepped out of the shop into the street, passersby stopping to stare at the striking figure he cut in his blood red suit. Whispers of "Who is that?" and "He looks like royalty!" followed in his wake.

Reaching his car, Aiden glanced across the street and caught sight of a fiendish imp crawling up the wall of a building and into a window. Before he could think, Aiden's mouth watered as if anticipating a delicious meal.

Snapping back to his senses, Aiden shuddered slightly. Though disturbed, he couldn't deny a dark thrill at the scene. He slipped into his car and drove away, mulling over this latest strange occurrence. Though increasingly inhuman, immense power still resided within him, just waiting for an outlet.

As his car sped through the city streets, Aiden wondered how long he could retain some semblance of humanity amidst his growing demonic nature. The suit had been just the beginning it seemed, a mere costume for the monster unfolding within.


As the Rolls Royce sped through the city streets, Aiden's thoughts turned to the man he had been just two nights ago - before everything changed.

Then, he had been strong-willed and intense but still human. Now he could feel himself transforming into something he didn't yet understand. His body had altered, strange instincts had emerged.

Even Aiden's personality seemed altered at a fundamental level. Though considered cold and controlling before, now those traits seemed exaggerated, turned up to an unnatural degree. Every interaction, every decision was analyzed and dissected with machine-like precision and calculation.

Aiden looked out at the passing city but saw little of beauty now. His interests had narrowed to power, domination and control. Pleasure was derived from creating fear and asserting his will, from manipulating situations and people like game pieces on a board.

Aiden felt a flicker of unease. This darkness growing within him was changing not just his body, but his very soul. An ominous sense of inevitability whispered that the shadows were only deepening, that the monster within him was slumbering still - but would soon awake.

For now, Aiden hid his transformation behind an expensive suit and a billionaire's cold smile. But he wondered how much longer that mask could conceal the inhuman thing he was becoming with every breath, every heartbeat in his immortal veins.


Aiden arrived at ExoTech headquarters, the innovative technology company he founded in his 20s. Starting with an early prototype for a home robot assistant in his garage, Aiden had grown ExoTech into a multi-billion dollar enterprise focused on artificial intelligence and robotics.

ExoTech's revolutionary products had changed people's lives - from intelligent home assistants to AI learning tools for schoolchildren. The company's rapid growth and success had made Aiden a billionaire many times over.

While Aiden reveled in his fame and fortune, he remained intensely controlling as the sole decision maker and majority shareholder of Exotech. The board and potential investors chafed under Aiden's tight grip, seeking ways to gain more influence over the company he saw as his life's work and legacy.

Aiden strode through ExoTech's spacious lobby, nodding imperiously at employees. Only something drastic, like his death or incapacitation, would allow others to gain control over ExoTech. But with Aiden's recent transformation, it seemed a power struggle within the company was now inevitable.

The differing priorities with the board would pull Exotech in different directions. While the board sought profit and shareholder value, Aiden's priority remained pursuing ambitious technological breakthroughs. The collision course was set.

Stepping into his glass-walled office, Aiden gazed out at ExoTech's sprawling campus. Soon he would exert his will to ensure his vision shaped the company's future, not the demands of mere investors and underlings. His immortality and power would guarantee ExoTech served his purpose alone.


John Williams strode into Aiden's office, relief turning to confusion. "Aiden! You haven't been seen for two days. What happened?"

Aiden smiled coldly. "I had some personal matters to attend to, John. I'm sure you're aware."

John sensed a subtle threat in Aiden's words. Unease pricked at him but he kept his expression neutral.

Aiden continued. "Let's discuss the future of Exotech. I have ambitious plans that require...adjustments within the company."

Though Aiden's words were friendly, John heard the iron will beneath them. Aiden's gaze had darkened, his manner sharper. A chill went down John's spine as he realized something sinister had changed in his old friend.

John nodded slowly. "Of course, Aiden. Whatever... adjustments are necessary, I'm sure we can find a way forward that benefits us all."

Aiden smiled coldly. "I'm glad you see it that way, John. Loyalty will be rewarded at Exotech, disloyalty...punished."

John forced a smile, hiding his alarm. It was clear Aiden now answered to no authority beyond his own will. John knew he must tread carefully to retain his position...and possibly his life. For now, he had no choice but to bend to Aiden's sinister plans.

Aiden watched satisfaction darken John's eyes. Another mind bent to his purpose, another piece moved into place. Exotech's future would be shaped exactly as Aiden desired, by any means necessary.

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