The First King of Beasts

Chapter 12 New World

In a distant land, an open field that stretched as far as the eyes could see gleamed with beauty as the wind ran through the endless see of grass.

Zoom. Zoom. Zoom.

Faint sounds of people appearing nonstop on the endless grass field rang throughout the land. The golden light around their bodies lingered around them for a while, then it vanished, leaving behind scattered particles of light as it left.

The once empty field was now crowded with people, covering all the way up to the end of one's sight of the field. Just how many people were chosen? Some wondered. They would have to reach at least a million for them to cover that whole plain.

-Welcome everyone, to the world known as Na'ash. This is world is located in a realm different from yours. No need to try and go back, as you will find it impossible to do so.

-One billion of you have been selected from your world, and given the opportunity to become a valiant force that will serve as guardians to protect your world. All equipments and items, or anything at all from your world have not being brought here, so make do with what is provided.

-You shall know me as the Messenger. I will relay to you whatever information that is required, at my own time. For now, this is what you need to know.

-This is not the world you are used to. Here, there are monsters and several creatures roaming around. Your ultimate goal here is to survive and become strong. The limit to how strong you can become, no one knows.

-A ranking system will be installed. This ranking system shows the points collected by each person, obviously. The higher you rank after each stage, the better the reward given unto you, so don't take it for granted.

-Right now, you all have just gotten here, so you are still weak. The law is not unfair, so for the first and second stage, the difficulty will be set to match your strength. After that however, you will be left to fend for yourselves proper.

-After this, check the pouch on your waist. In it you will find directions on what to do next.

-A simple advice I leave for you all. The weak become weaker and perish. The strong become even stronger and survive. This is a clean slate, a chance to choose which you will be. The weak, or the strong.

As the voice finished everything it had to say, it vanished, and the entire population went crazy. Those who had never wanted to come to this new world complained and whined, while the wiser ones began with the most important thing.

Everybody was spawned with roughly the same clothes clothing format. A light pair of trousers and shirt that seemed common and a pair of boots that fit. All equipment or anything from earth was not transported along with them. It was like a video game, and everybody was a level one player that just logged in first time.

"Hey, who are those guys? Why do they have such cool things on?" A random person asked, as he stared at a pair.

"Yeah. Didn't that voice say things from earth were not brought with us here? How did they manage to being those wears with them?"

Different people around the duo began murmuring and cursing at their bad luck as they stared at the odd pair who on top of the basic clothes provided, had some gears that looked like armour or something on. This duo was obviously Marcel and Nathan. Similar scenes happened in a few other places too. There was even a guy dressed in full samurai outfit. It seemed some people had found a way around the law in this foreign land most people thought.

As people were rambling about, they heard a sound. This sound was heard simultaneously by everyone at the same time.

Beep. Beep. Beep.


I am a representative of the messenger.

Say your name chosen one.


A different voice that sounded feminine spoke. Along with this voice, a screen appeared before everyone, showing what was been said in writings. Some people were sceptic about it, but others went ahead and provided their names. Seeing others do so, gave some people that were still sceptical piece of mind, so they did same.


Check your pouch for the beginner's package and your clearing for the first stage.


Following the instruction from this new voice, people began to check the leather pouch that hng from their waists.

Throughout all this, Dustin who had been spawned close to the edges of the vast field remained calm and composed. He only continued to scan his surroundings, noticing the people around him and his surroundings.

When everyone had been asked to pick a name, Dustin didn't put his. He was one of the people who didn't input their names. The new screen that had appeared before him was different from his system. Unlike the system, this one was blue, but it had no colour outlining it, and was visible to everyone.

Following the voice, Dustin opened the pouch hanging by the side of his waist. As he did, he could feel the things within it. He stuck his hand into the pouch and brought out a bundle that was wrapped using a big piece of cloth.

Around him, similar bundles were drawn out by others. It seemed to be the beginner's package.

After opening it, everyone found a sword, a lighter, a small pot, and a wooden shield. The sword, of course, was sheathed.

Seeing the sword and shield made it even clearer the kind of place they had been brought to. Seeing these ancient things meant there was a high chance that guns might not be available, and they would have to protect themselves using these crude weapons.

Dusting tied he's bundle back up after taking out the sword and shield. He found a way to get the sword to stay on his waist, and as for the shield, he held in his left hand.

The second thing inside the pouch was a paper map that seemed to work like magic, as it constantly showed the holders position that continuously blinked. It was big enough to cover a small table, and was at least one foot long in height. In the northern part of the map, a red dot was present at the top most part.

Below the map itself, on the empty area of the paper the map was on, some writings were scribbled on there.

..Get to the place where the red dot is marked.

..Survive the endless spawn of monsters.

..Time limit for this stage is 3 months.

..Time remaining – 3 months

[New item detected – Map. Scan?] The system interrupted.

Mentally, Dustin answered, 'Yes.'

[Scan complete. Map acquired.]

"Three months. This red dot must be really far for them to give a time limit of three months." Dustin said as he folded the map and placed it back into his pouch.

While holding the map, the system had scanned it, so Dustin now could access the map through the system.

Scanning the area around him with his eyes once more, Dustin started moving. If monsters were close by, they would surely jump on the chance to attack their food while it's gathered, he thought. He needed to get out of there

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