The First King of Beasts

Chapter 13 First Attack

(A/N: Form now on, the way the system displays information will change, and the ranking will also change. Refer to Aux chapter for more info on ranking.)

The endless field where they spawned might have seemed to be endless all round, but it wasn't. It's shape was more of a rectangular one, and though it wasn't endless, the ground it covered was too large.

The map everyone was given covered a very large area, and if anyone understood map reading, they would notice that the map contained both the plane lands they stood upon, and its surrounding areas.

Dustin wasted no time and headed off to the side. He was lucky to have been spawned close to the edges that bordered the forest. He's plan was to get as close as possible to the forest, then following the forest line he would continue walking forward towards the red dot.

The plan wasn't bad, but getting to the forest line wasn't as easy as it sounded. He might have been spawned close to the forest, but he was still some distance away. It was a good thing he's physique wasn't bad, if not that would have been the start of his fall.

After walking for several minutes, he was sure he had spent up to 30 minutes, but it was worth it. The forest line was just a few metres away. He would have gotten there faster, but he had to keep cutting through people, and a few of them even stopped him to either ask some questions, or say some irrelevant things.

'We all got brought here against our will, didn't we? How do they expect me to have answers?' Dustin sighed mentally as he thought to himself. People really like to depend on others too much. Good thing he wasn't like that.

On getting to the forest line, Dustin noticed just how big the trees that lined the borders were. From a distance they didn't look as big, but now...

Compared to the forest trees on earth, the trees Dustin was looking at were at least twice as big, and maybe twice as tall. 'Wow. And the vegetation looks so healthy and natural.' He noted mentally.

He immediately pulled up the map the system had scanned earlier into view. He continued walking while looking at it, studying it perhaps. He couldn't tell just how far the red dot was just from looking at the map, but he was sure it would take a tiring journey before he would be able to reach it.

As he walked, the afternoon sun that shone over the earth beneath gradually turned into an orange glow, as night approached. Through that time, there had been no attack, at least, as far as he knew. He had also activated he's taming skill, since it gave him the ability to detect nearby animals within a certain range, but found nothing.

Not many people had moved much since they got there, and as night approached, some people even started preparing spots on the ground to lie down. 'Really. You hear this place has monsters, and you still find a way to make yourself comfortable, without a single worry.' Dustin said to himself as he looked at a fatty who had taken off his shirt and used it as a sort of bed sheet to cover the ground.

Just as he was shaking he's head in amazement, he felt an eerie feeling around himself. He's body shivered a bit, then he turned to look at the forest beside him. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but the feeling lingered.

Just as he was taking he's eyes off the forest, a figure jumped out of the forest, and ran towards the fatty that had lied down with he's belly facing the sky.

Dustin turned immediately to confirm what he had just barely seem through the corner of he's eyes. As he caught the figure of something charging towards the man on the ground, he tried to shout, but hesitated a bit out of shock.


The figure let out a weird sound before pouncing on the absent minded fatty. It bit right into he's shoulder, and no matter the manner of shouting and pulling the fatty did, it didn't come off. At this moment, Dustin as several others around couldn't even move a muscle to offer a hand, neither could they run. They all just stood there in sheer fear and terror.

It wasn't until the figure dug it's fingers into the man's neck that everybody started running. They lost all rationality as they lost all rationality as they scrambled and trampled over each other. Dustin was standing close to the forest, a place where no other person was, so he was relatively safe from the stampede, but he wasn't safe from the monsters.

He quickly came back to he's sense though. What happened was merely unexpected, and it was he's first time seeing such animalistic behaviour. Sure, he had seen people get beaten to near death state with blood and broken bones all over, this had even happened to him a couple time, and he had seen a few deaths first hand. But biting and stabbing and digging the flesh with bare hands, he had never seen before. This was what stunned him, along with the fact that he couldn't rationalize the situation well.

The creature that killed the fatty had finished it's kill, and so it turned to the closest prey, Dustin. Seeing this gaze towards him, he moved he's hand towards he's sword as it charged towards him. 'Shit, I'm not going to make it in time!'


As he raised he's head to look at the incoming figure, he found it laying motionless on the ground. Before him was a young lady, probably the same age as himself, if not then close. She held her sword in her hand, stained in blood as the figure's head rolled on the ground. She gave him a quick glance, then ran off into the forest.

'Who was that girl? She was able to kill this creature in one swing, and her speed, it's not normal either.' He calmly analyzed the situation. He was thankful that he hadn't panicked much at that moment, he just had trouble drawing he's sword, as it wasn't natural to him.

He moved closer to see what kind of creature it was that attacked the fatty. He saw that it had pale green skin and looked a bit scrawny. The second part reminding him of someone similar he often sees in the mirror. It's head had a set of pointy ears, and almost beady eyes that looked like they'll never close even during sleep.

"What is this? System, can you identify this creature for me?" He asked.


-Rank - F

-This creature is at it's lowest rank, and the weakest it could be. It has weak overall strength, being only as powerful as a human child. Their sharp claws and teeth give then a point in attack, but they have zero defence. They usually move in groups of 5 to 10.


'F? And this description. I can't believe such a thing scared me. Did I become weak these last few years? No. The experiences I've had in my life... This should be nothing. If one thing's for sure though.'

"I need to become strong, fast. This world we are in now is survival of the fittest. The weak die, and the strong live. Something this weak won't stop me." Dustin declared, as he's eyes gleamed with a cold gaze that showed determination.

"That girl went into the forest. She must have cleared the goblins already. If they walk in groups, it means this guy is not alone, but I don't need to care about his gang."

"Activate Taming Master."

[Taming Maser activated]

As the skill activated, he could immediately feel the presence of the monsters around, just around the forest line.

"Did she miss these guys? I doesn't matter, in fact, it's good. They will become my stepping stone to power."

As he's eyes flashed a cold stare into the forest, he willed for the beasts to come before him.

(A/N: Effect of his skill Taming master, he can control any animal below A class without restriction.)

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