The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 125 Sinister Grins

Our first day of school was finally over, and we were quickly shown to our rooms in the dormitories.

The first years, second years and third years shared the same building.

Our dorm looked like a beautiful mansion with a West Wing, East Wing and a Central Common.

The Central Common had a massive auditorium on the third floor, a common room/library on the second floor and a common cafetaria on the first floor.

Each common room could seat every single student in the dorm with room to spare.

The boys took the West Wing, and the girls took the East Wing.

The first years had the first floor, the second had the second floor and the third had the third floor.

Each room had four bunks and a toilet.

That, in short, is a brief description of our dorm.

I shared a room with three very unique guys.

I remember that first meeting very vividly.

"Hey guys. I'm Justin. What's up?" I called out to them as I entered the room.

They had arrived earlier than me, and they had already picked their bunks.

Of course the two bottom bunks were taken, and only a top bunk on the left side of the room remained unclaimed.

"Oooohhh, we are sharing a room with the Champion! How amazing! I am so excited! Ah! My head feels faint from the awesomeness of this moment! Help! Guys! Help!" A big, chubby boy on the bottom right bunk said in a very flat and bored voice as he fanned himself with the welcome booklet.

I took one look at him and immediately identified him as the joker of the group. A flat, and dry sort of humor, but the joker, nonetheless.

I am sure you know about group dynamics.

There will usually be several types of characters in a group.

In my experience, more often than not there would definitely be a King, the Loyal General, the Princess, the Genius and the Joker. There would be variations of the five types, of course. But these five were the most common.

And that fat boy, Barrick Rui, was definitely the joker.

"Woweee! We got the Champ!! Hey, you want to take my bottom bunk? Come take it! I'll take the top bunk!!" A scrawny boy shouted eagerly and immediately packed his stuff.

"Loyal General. Or Sneaky Bootlicker?" I remember thinking as I looked at Roland Hu curiously.

"Hmph. Asslicker." The third boy scoffed. He sat on his bed on the top right bunk and eyed me coldly. His body was quite big for his age, and he looked really strong.

"Hmmm. This one is probably the best fighter out of the three." I thought to myself.

He was, of course, Jack Yang.

"Arrogant Genius? Or Jealous Loser?" My mind quickly thin sliced the three boys as I tried to come to a quick conclusion about their characters.

"Asslicker your ass." Roland Hu immediately snapped at Jack Yang. "Champions deserve to be treated like Champions. And losers like you should just shut up and enjoy your damn top bunk."


The battle for group hierarchy had begun.

Roland Hu had immediately recognized my unassailable position, and had wisely chosen to butter me up. But he'll be damned if he took any crap from the yet unproven Jack Yang.

"Losers like me? Ha. You think just because I let you take the bottom bunk, that I am scared of you? Let this daddy teach you a damn lesson!" Jack Yang leapt down from his top bunk with great agility and unleashed two very quick jabs at Roland Hu!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Roland Hu leaned back and easily avoided Jack Yang's attack.

Right as Jack Yang was pulling back his jab, Roland Hu unleashed his own counter attack and sent a ferocious right hook towards Jack's face!

Jack Yang skilfully sent his left arm to tap Roland's right hook away from the inside and caused Roland to lose balance.

And then without any flourish, he viciously delivered a perfect uppercut on Roland's jaw.


Roland Hu was hit so hard that he actually flew up for a little distance before crumpling down onto the ground!

However, to our surprise, Roland Hu groaned lightly before standing up once more.

"Good uppercut. Well delivered. But kind of weak for someone your size, don't you think?" Roland Hu shook his head lightly to clear the effect of that vicious uppercut he just ate, and retook his stance. "Come, let daddy show you how to do a proper uppercut!"

"Hmph. You sure can take a hit. Just like a damn cockroach. Let me sho-"


A loud sound suddenly rang out from the wall behind the right bunk.

"It wasn't me. I didn't do anything." Barrick Rui said lazily. He didn't look one bit surprised, and neither did the two boys.

Apparently they already knew what was happening.

I strained my hearing for a little bit, and started to chuckle lightly as I quickly brought myself up to date.

All around the dorm, fights were breaking out!

Hierarchies that would probably last for the next three years were being formed. And very understandingly, the teachers were absent to allow the first years to do their thing.

It must be a ritual of somesort.

"Hey guys. Instead of fighting among ourselves, why not check out the other rooms? We should bully them a little and show them who's the boss." I grinned at the three of them widely.

The three of them glanced at each other with uncertainty in their eyes.

Of course they had been briefed by their family about the hierarchy fights that would take place.

But they had never heard of anybody actually going round the dorm rooms and establishing dominance!

Just what on earth was happening?

Surprisingly, Barrick Rui was the first to respond.

"Let's do it." He announced and started to heave his massive body out of the bed. "I could do with a little bit of exercise anyway."

Roland Hu blinked once, and then lowered his fighting stance. "Count me in! Whatever the Champ does, I will too!" He said cheerfully.

We all turned to look at Jack Yang, who merely sighed, shook his head helplessly, and walked towards us.

"Grab a bag each. Your biggest one. We will need a lot of space to collect our "tribute". I said with a grin.

And at that, all three of them also broke into grins.

Sinister grins, of course.

We weren't called the four demons for nothing.

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