The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 126 Prey

The first room we gave a friendly visit to was, naturally, the one to our right.

"Oof! Damn you! Take this!"


"You call that a punch? My grandma- oof!"

"Your grandma what? Your grandma has no titties?"

"Shut up! Take this!"

Muffled sounds of what seemed to be a ferocious free for all fight could be heard from outside.


I kicked open the door and accidentally smashed it on one of the boys, who was flung rather violently across the room.

Bam. He crashed into another boy who was standing directly opposite him.

"Hey!!" He roared angrily as the other boy pushed him away with all of his strength.

"Hey too!" I said pleasantly.

"Hey! Don't kick the doors like that." Barrick Rui said. "They'll deduct the repair cost from our academy credits!"

"Oh! Damn it, I didn't know that!" I cursed loudly. I had not even done any extorting, and my income was already negative!

"What the hell are you all doing in our room?" The biggest boy in that particular room took it upon himself to be the leader and shouted at us.

He must have been listening quite intently to Bruce Pang's lessons.

There must be a leader in a group!

I nodded at him in approval.

"Heyy guys. We're here for a friendly visit, of course." Roland Hu immediately stepped forward with a friendly smile.

"Friendly visit your mother! Get the hell out of our room, before I go over there and make you!" The big boy threatened.

"Can you hear it? The sound of so many ferocious and angry boys fighting?" Roland Hu ignored him and cupped his ears.

True enough, with the room door wide open, the sound of fighting everywhere was extremely clear.

"Yeah? So what?" The big boy asked in slight confusion.

"We are here to offer you our services! For a small fee, we will help you make sure that no harm falls on you this day. Didn't you hear what our glorious Principal said earlier today? We must protect our brothers and sisters! And being our neighbours, we are here to protect you!" Roland Hu exclaimed with a very righteous sounding voice.

"You are extorting us?" The big boy was no fool, and he immediately caught on to the situation, and called it as it was.

Not that we would ever admit it.

"Goodness gracious! Extortion? Heavens no! We are protecting you! How in the world did you even manage to think that we are extorting you? Big bro! He must be feeling dizzy! Please help him get better!" Roland Hu said to me with a very concerned voice.

I stood there and sighed deeply. My sharp eyes had immediately studied the room and its contents, and I had come to a conclusion.

These boys were definitely not rich young masters. Their personal belongings looked rather old, and frankly speaking, quite significantly worse than mine.

Extorting working class merchants was definitely not something I wanted to do.

The four of them looked at me warily.

They recognized me, of course.

The Divine Grade pilot, the "Victim" of the Long "bullying", and the Champion of the Grand Melee.

They immediately knew that fighting against me was definitely a bad idea. Their bones would definitely be broken, and the extortion would still take place anyway.

But they were not cowards.

"You want my stuff? Come get them." The big boys growled and entered his fighting stance. The other three immediately did the same.

"We may not be as strong as you, but I'll be damned if I let you walk all over me like that." The second boy said softly.

"No, we are not here for your stuff." I said to him firmly.

"We are not?" Roland Hu turned to look at me in confusion.

"We are not." Jack Yang said quietly. He had made the same observation and reached the same conclusion as me.

"We are just here to… uhm. Say hi. Which we have done. Ok, bye." I said before turning around and leaving the room.

My three henchmen quickly followed me.

"Huh?" The four boys were completely confused.

However, their own hierarchy battle beckoned, and they quickly forgot about us.

But still, after showing a united front against a common enemy, I dare say their hierarchy battle would be settled very quickly.

There was no need to squabble about who was the leader among brothers.

We went on to the next room.

I was about to open the door, with my hands this time, when Roland Hu stopped me.

"Wait a minute. Please tell me what's going on! Are we getting tribute or not?" He asked with a tinge of exasperation in his voice.

"We are. But only from rich ones." Jack Yang replied for me.

"Or from the bullies." I added.

"Oh. Like Robin Hood?" Roland Hu finally realized what was going on.

"Yes, like Robin Hood. Only that we don't give our spoils to the poor." I grinned at him.

"Alright. Fine by me. Give me a signal if we are going ahead with our uh… protection scheme." Roland Hu said.

"Sure." I said and went ahead to open the second door.

Unlike the other rooms, that particular room was quiet.

All four boys were seated on their beds, and three of them had bruises on their faces.

The fourth one, seated on the top right bunk, was completely free from injuries.

The fight to settle the hierarchy had ended, and there were only two levels.

The fourth boy at the top, and the other three at the bottom.

The fourth boy turned to look at us, and frowned deeply.

"What the f*** are you doing here? Get the hell out of my room this very instant before I destroy you and your broke ass family!" He snarled.

I smiled.

Roland Hu smiled.

Jack Yang smiled.

Barrick Rui… he actually yawned. But let's just say he smiled as well.

Barrick Rui smiled.

We had found our prey.

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